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Press Release
Issa Statement on ObamaCare Employer Mandate Delay

“The president’s repeated delays and arbitrary enforcement of his health care law cannot distract from the facts: this law has resulted in millions of Americans losing their insurance coverage, rising health care costs, and an estimated 2.5 million jobs that will be lost from the workforce,” said Chairman Issa. “The Administration’s ad hoc implementation of ObamaCare adds significant uncertainty to the economy and further hinders small businesses from expanding and creating jobs in ...

Press Release
Administration Did Not Adequately Review Health Law Before Expanding ObamaCare Subsidies, Report Finds

“The evidence gathered by the Committees indicates that neither IRS nor the Treasury Department conducted a serious or thorough analysis of the PPACA statute or the law’s legislative history with respect to the government’s authority to provide premium subsidies in exchanges established by the federal government,” the report states. “IRS and Treasury merely asserted that they possessed such authority without providing the Committees with evidence to indicate that they came to their ...

Press Release
ObamaCare CO-OPs Plagued with Legal, Financial Issues, Oversight Committee Report Finds

“The Committee’s ongoing oversight has identified instances in which HHS approved loans for companies with existing insolvency, personnel mismanagement, and legal issues,” the report states. “In addition, the Committee’s oversight has uncovered evidence that some companies attempted to influence the Administration to modify program eligibility requirements in the statute. The Committee has discovered communications that demonstrate a politically cozy relationship between company ...

Press Release
Issa and Jordan to IRS Commissioner: Withdraw IRS Political Speech Rule

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan today requested that Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen withdraw a proposed regulation limiting political speech by nonprofit organizations. The Committee’s investigation into the IRS’s targeting of ...

Press Release
Oversight Presses US Navy for Documents on Contracting Abuses

“While I am pleased that you have recognized that the Navy’s contracting practices must change, I am concerned that these [internal] reviews will not go far enough.”

Press Release
Issa Statement on the Retirement of Former Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman

“Henry Waxman’s legacy in public service included significant efforts he undertook as a Member, Ranking Member, and finally Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. While I didn’t always agree with Chairman Waxman on matters of both policy and oversight tactics, his tenure helming the Committee set important precedents and innovated new investigative tools such as the use of subpoenas for closed-door depositions. A number issues he doggedly began to follow during ...

Press Release
Issa Recognizes National School Choice Week

“As we celebrate National School Choice Week, it is important that we continue to advocate for educational opportunities for students, no matter what their family income,” said Chairman Issa. “I am proud of the work of the Oversight Committee on behalf of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP), which has given thousands of low-income K-12 students in DC the chance to attend alternative private schools of their choice. DC OSP has empowered parents to provide their children with the ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Stamp Rate Hike and Facility Closure Moratorium

“This week, the Postal Service’s unprecedented above-inflation rate hike goes into effect,” said Chairman Issa. “At the same time, the Postal Service just recently disclosed that it once again has decided to delay necessary cost-cutting reforms already in motion to appease the avowed opponents of postal reform. Relying solely on rate increases will not save the Postal Service from insolvency.”

Press Release
Oversight Committee Releases Deposition Transcript of John Beale

“This is an egregious example of fraud on the highest levels of management at the EPA,” said Chairman Issa. “It’s disappointing that a civil servant got away with bilking the American people for so long. The IG has acted to make sure better controls are in place to keep this from happening again and Americans deserve that. ”

Press Release
House Unanimously Passes More Good Government Reforms

“Accountability must occur on every level of government,” said House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. on the passage of these bills. “Tools must be available for agencies to help themselves to meet the taxpayer’s standard of accountability, in addition to the watchful eye of Congress.”