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Press Release
Issa to Reid, Obama: Drop Opposition to D.C. Local Funding

Today, the House of Representatives passed H.J. Res 71, which allows the District of Columbia to access its locally generated funds during the federal budget impasse.

Press Release
Issa to Democrats: Let D.C. Spend Its Local Money Now

WASHINGTON- Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., took to the House floor to excoriate Democrats for their steadfast refusal to support legislation that would let the District of Columbia spend its local money.  Watch Chairman Issa on Releasing D.C.’s Local Funds  “The truth is the District of Columbia pulls quarters out of meters every day and they are ...

Press Release
Issa: Dems “Deeply Cynical” in Rejecting Request from D.C. Delegate

"Democrats opposing the request of the District’s own representative is a deeply cynical maneuver. The budget impasse hurts our country, but this vote underscores how much the Democratic leadership believes the Reid shutdown is a political winner that they're not eager to fix through negotiations or compromise. I intend to keep pursuing a solution despite the Democrats defeating this measure.”

Press Release
Oversight Hearing to Explore Future of Wind Energy Production Tax Credit

The hearing will examine whether the Production Tax Credit (PTC) is still necessary to support the wind energy industry. Over the last decade, wind energy consumption has increased dramatically, growing by 1,082% between 2003 and 2012.

Press Release
Issa Statement on Problems Surrounding Launch of Obamacare Exchanges

“Today, across the country, Americans are attempting to purchase health insurance on Obamacare exchanges and are being met with crashing websites, missing price information, confusing forms and in some cases, exchanges that had to delay their start date because they aren’t ready yet," Chairman Issa said.

Press Release
Issa Introduces Bill to Cancel Federal Pensions For Thieves

“When federal employees are convicted of stealing from the American people, the taxpayer should not be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of pension benefits,” said Chairman Issa.

Press Release
Issa Statement on Judge’s Refusal to Dismiss Fast and Furious Lawsuit

"This ruling is a repudiation of the Obama Justice Department and Congressional Democrats who argued the courts should have no role in the dispute over President Obama's improper assertion of executive privilege to protect an attempted Justice Department cover-up of Operation Fast and Furious."

Press Release
Issa: Latest Delay Shows Administration Unprepared for Obamacare Rollout

WASHINGTON - House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., issued the following statement in response to reports that the Administration will delay online enrollment for small-business exchanges. “While President Obama was busy telling Americans that an increasingly unpopular law is ‘here to stay,’ ‘sources’ from his Administration were telling reporters that there would be yet another delay, this one denying small businesses the ability to enroll ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Postage Rate Increase

“Today’s rate increase is a desperate cry for help from an insolvent Postal Service. Revenue and volume are down dramatically and our mail delivery service, hamstrung by Congressional mandates and onerous labor contracts, has been unable to sufficiently reduce costs."

Press Release
Issa Lauds Cost-Benefit Analysis, Calls for Other Self-Regulators to Follow Suit

“Today's announcement is a step in the right direction and a recognition of the government-wide consensus that rigorous economic analysis is critical to creating better regulations. The Committee will continue its efforts to ensure that regulators improve their rulemaking processes. I encourage the other major self-regulators to follow FINRA’s example."