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Press Release
Tuesday’s Hearing Featuring DOJ Inspector General Rescheduled for Wednesday, September 19

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has confirmed his attendance for the September 19th hearing where he will discuss his report of the investigation into reckless conduct in Operation Fast and Furious.

Press Release
Top U.S. Generals To Testify on Horrible Conditions at Afghan Military Hospital

On Wednesday at 9:45 a.m., Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, Chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security will conduct a hearing entitled “Dawood National Military Hospital, Afghanistan: What Happened and What Went Wrong? Part II”

Press Release
DOJ Inspector General to Testify Next Week Following Release of Investigative Report on Operation Fast and Furious

“For a year and a half, Attorney General Eric Holder has cited the ongoing Inspector General investigation as his reason for declining to hold those responsible for reckless conduct in Operation Fast and Furious to account. Next week, this excuse for delaying action ends,” said Chairman Darrell Issa.

Press Release
Grassley, Issa, Gowdy Continue Review of Minnesota’s Use of Federal Tax Dollars for State-only Health Programs

The State’s agreement with UCare to count UCare’s $30 million repayment toward the 2011 profit cap raises serious questions regarding your insistence that half of UCare’s $30 million “donation” was not subject to federal recoupment.

Press Release
Oversight Committee Leaders Statements on Flawed, Rushed CAFE Rule

“The rule finalized today by the Obama Administration will hurt American consumers by forcing them to drive more expensive and less safe automobiles. The Administration drafted these standards in secret, strong-arming automakers and short-circuiting the deliberative regulatory process to achieve a purely political result..."

Press Release
Issa Asks DOD for Info About 64 Conferences Costlier than GSA Las Vegas Binge

“The Committee has analyzed thousands of documents obtained from federal agencies and citizen watchdogs related to conference spending in the Executive Branch,” Issa wrote. “Any conference that cost taxpayers more per person than GSA’s 2010 conference in Las Vegas raised a red flag.”

Press Release
Oversight Committee Asks IRS to Explain Recent Rule that Expands Obamacare’s Reach in a Way Not Authorized in Law

“Since there is nothing in the legislative history to support IRS’s rule and IRS ignored the legislative history that suggests the plain text of the statute represented Congressional intent about limiting the tax credits to state Exchanges, IRS’s defense of its rule using “the relevant legislative history” is flawed and misleading...”

Press Release
Issa and Grassley: Top ATF Official in Operation Fast and Furious Remains on Extended Paid Leave while Simultaneously Employed by Major Financial Services Company

“Under any reading of the relevant personnel regulations, it appears that ATF management was under no obligation to approve this sort of arrangement,” wrote Issa and Grassley.

Press Release
Oversight Leaders Ask OIRA to Reevaluate Pending Auto Rules Negotiated in Secret

“Higher fuel efficiency standards is a goal I share—but not at the expense of consumer safety and not when those rules are implemented under a cloak of secrecy in a manner outside the law," Chairman Issa said.

Press Release
SEC Delays Implementation of Key Provision in JOBS Act

“By kicking the can down the road, you are abdicating your responsibility to follow the law, failing to fulfill your sworn commitment to this Subcommittee, and ignoring the will of Congress and the President of the United States,” wrote Chairman McHenry.