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Press Release Published: Jun 23, 2011


YouTube Town Hall Contrasts GOP & Democrat Solutions

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform and Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) entered Let’s Fix This in YouTube’s Town Hall Series, which pits Republican solutions to pressing national problems against Democrat alternatives. Let’s Fix This outlines the common-sense, pro-growth policies House Republicans are delivering with, the Path to Prosperity and the American Energy Initiative. If you like what you see, please support Let’s Fix This – economic solutions from We the People.


CLICK HERE to Watch and Support Let’s Fix This

The economic recovery plan in Let’s Fix This builds on these foundational principles:

Lifting Government Burdens Off American Small Business

  Delivering taxpayers real regulatory relief through

Opening Markets for American Products

  Delivering American farmers and businesses a level playing field to compete and win in growing global markets through the Plan for America’s Job Creators.

Delivering Access to American Energy

  Powering our country with proven American energy sources through the American Energy Initiative.

Spending Responsibly Like American Families at Home

  Securing American dreams for our children and seniors through the Path to Prosperity.

Let’s Fix This is part of the ongoing YouTube Town Hall, where taxpayers ask questions and Members of Congress film direct responses. To support Chairman Issa’s and House Republicans’ solutions, click here…and don’t forget to share with your online network.


RT .@GOPOversight: Which do you support: more gov’t or more freedom? Watch this VIDEO & decide: #tcot #sgp

RT .@GOPOversight: road to economic recovery: more gov’t or more freedom? You decide: #tcot #sgp

RT @GOPoversight: Citizen-led solutions to our econ start w/ getting gov’t rules & regs out of the way “Let’s Fix This”

RT @GOPoversight: We’re looking for #4jobs solutions from #WeThePeople. Here’s how you can help fix this #Oversight

RT @DarrellIssa: Gov’s job? Restore economic stability & peace of mind so Americans have confidence 2 hire & invest VID

RT @GOPoversight: we’re committed to lifting burdens off job creators so they can grow & invest in their biz VID
