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Press Release Published: Jul 18, 2011

VIDEO RELEASE: Meet Oversight Watchdog Rep. Blake Farenthold

WASHINGTON, DC – The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform today released “Meet Your Oversight Watchdogs: Rep. Blake Farenthold,” the eighth in a series of videos introducing committee members to the American people. Rep. Farenthold serves Texas’ 27th Congressional District as a member of the Oversight Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency & Financial Management, the Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense & Foreign Operations, and the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations & Procurement Reform.

7-11-11_farenthold_get_to_know_screen_shotCLICK HERE to Meet Your Oversight Watchdog Rep. Farenthold (TX-27)

“Regulations are killing jobs in America. I’m at home every weekend, listening to how they affect businesses and families,” Rep. Farenthold said in the video. “A lot of times one arm of the government doesn’t know what the other arm of the government is doing, which drives up the cost of everything the government does. In my District Offices we have a staff of red-tape cutters just to help constituents cut through Washington red tape and get answers to their questions.”

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RT @GOPoversight: Meet #Oversight watchdog .@Farenthold who is working to reduce gov’t red tape & regs for #TX27 VIDEO:

RT @GOPoversight: How is .@Farenthold serving the people of Texas 27 in Congress? VIDEO: #Oversight #tcot

RT @GOPoversight: How is .@Farenthold fighting to get Gov’t off the backs of Texas #SmallBiz VIDEO: #Oversight

RT @GOPoversight: Find out more about Texas #Oversight freshman .@Farenthold serving the people of Texas’ 27th VIDEO:
