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Press Release Published: Sep 15, 2010

Video Release: “Signs of a Failed Stimulus: Be A Citizen-Watchdog”

WASHINGTON, DC – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans today released “Signs of a Failed Stimulus: Be A Citizen-Watchdog,” seeking the investigative help of Americans fed up with both President Obama’s failed “stimulus” program and the taxpayer-fundedpropaganda signs used to promote this $862 billion boondoggle which has not fulfilled its job-creation promises.  Seen a sign?  Take a picture and send it with the address and location to

 WATCH “Signs of a Failed Stimulus: Be A Citizen-Watchdog”

This project harnesses the American public’s help in getting answers about why the Administration has insisted on wasting potentially $192 million taxpayer dollars on pro-stimulus advertising even as the spending splurge has failed to meet the President’s own sales pitches: that the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8% and generate more than 4 million private sector jobs by the end of 2010. Today, unemployment stands at 9.6%, 14.9 million Americans cannot find work and more than 2.5 million people have lost their jobs since the stimulus became law.

Retweetables: RT @darrellissa Be a stimulus propaganda sign watchdog (VIDEO)

RT @repaaronschock Seen a stimulus sign? We need your pics & sign locations (VIDEO)