White House Follows GOP on Regulations, Issa Urges Obama To Go Further
WASHINGTON- Following months of efforts by members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and other GOP leaders, the White House today announced a host of regulatory initiatives designed to save businesses $10 billion over 5 years.
“Today’s announcement shows that our efforts to shine a spotlight on the job killing effect of overly burdensome regulations are yielding some gains,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., “But the President must join House Republicans in doing more to address these job killers, especially those proposed regulations that jeopardize economic growth, in an effort to restart the economy and create jobs. House Republicans will certainly continue our efforts to address government actions that are inhibiting job creation.”
According to U.S. Chamber of Commerce Vice President Bill Kovacs in the Wall Street Journal: “The changes are welcome, but don’t appear to go far enough…Each of the proposals seems to be efficient, technical changes, but it doesn’t make any impact on the overall regulatory burdens that exist on the business community.”
In February, the Associated Press reported in a story “Republicans out front of Obama on regulations” that Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and other GOP leaders have been leading the fight to address unnecessary regulatory barriers to job creation.
Republicans have conducted a wide-reaching ongoing survey of the problems facing America’s job creators at http://www.americanjobcreators.com/.
As Chairman Issa said in January, “The anti-business policies of the past have hurt job creators, small and large. It’s in the interest of every American that we create a modern, regulatory environment that fosters economic growth and makes U.S. companies globally competitive. I look forward to providing the President with insights gained from our current effort to hear directly from job creators about what they perceive as barriers standing in the way of their ability to create jobs.”