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A New Era of Openness? How and Why Political Staff at DHS Interfered with the FOIA Process

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has learned through the course of an eight-month investigation that political staff under DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano have corrupted the agency’s FOIA compliance procedures, exerted political pressure on FOIA compliance officers, and undermined the federal government’s accountability to the American people.

Assessing Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation

The Administration’s economic strategies employed over the last two years have not succeeded in getting Americans back to work in sufficient numbers... The President has reached out to several organizations representing business interests in the preceding weeks and months and has invited the heads of some of the largest national and multinational companies to share their suggestions for jumpstarting the economy. Businesses that responded to the President overwhelmingly reported that ...

A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch

Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution – among others, to legislate, to appropriate funds, to declare war, to raise armies, and to impeach – is the implicit responsibility to perform rigorous oversight of the Executive Branch.

The Removal of the Inspector General for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)

Prior to his sudden retirement, Weiderhold contacted and met with Finance Committee staff on several occasions. During these conversations, Weiderhold described an environment where Amtrak management repeatedly interfered with the independent functioning of the Office of Inspector General (OIG).

Analysis of the First Year of the Obama Administration: Public Relations and Propaganda Initiatives

WASHINGTON, DC – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa today requested the Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigate the legality of taxpayer funded propaganda efforts undertaken by the Obama Administration.  GAO has investigated accusations of covert propaganda under previous Administrations and found them unlawful. “Although Federal laws prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars for covert propaganda, ...

How the White House Public Relations Campaign on the Oil Spill is Harming the Actual Clean-up

Pursuant to this review, staff has found numerous instances in which the situation on the ground conflicts with official reports. Of enormous concern, the situation in the Gulf is actually more dysfunctional and dire than what has been portrayed through official reports and press accounts based on official information. This blurring of reality is exacerbating problems with the clean-up effort.

The SEC: Designed for Failure

This Report describes the Commission's most significant recent failures, outlines the long-term, systemic causes of these failures, and recommends that Congress constructively reform the agency through legislation and enhanced oversight.

Who’s Right on Stimulus Job Creation? The Obama Administration’s Fiction vs. The American People’s Reality

This report attempts to explain the discrepancies between the stimulus claims made by the Administration and the facts in an attempt to arrive at a conclusion about who's right on stimulus job creation: the Obama Administration or the 89% of the American public who do not believe the stimulus has created jobs?

ACORN Political Machine Tries to Reinvent Itself

ACORN officials, however, appear to be trying to dupe government officials and the American public through false and misleading claims about ending operations.

Update and Supplement to the Initial Report: The Firing of the Inspector General for the Corporation for National and Community Service

Since the publication of the initial report, however, the White House authorized CNCS to produce additional documents to the Committees. The Department of Justice also provided additional documents. This update and supplement to the initial report will present and analyze some of these additional documents to determine whether the conclusions in the initial report need to be modified in light of the new information.