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Comprehensive Staff Analysis of the Economic Impact of the Waxman/Markey Cap-and-Trade Legislation

Cap-and-trade is a regressive tax: Cap-and-trade is the largest tax increase proposal since the income tax. According to the Congressional Budget Office, cap-and-trade would cost the average American household an extra $1,600 per year.

De-Targeting the Stimulus: States Diverting Medicaid Funds Away from Helping Poor, Protecting Health Care Job

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided $87 billion to states to support their Medicaid programs. However, early reports indicate that instead of using the stimulus funds to supplement state Medicaid spending to protect medical services and healthcare service jobs, some states are effectively diverting Medicaid stimulus funds for non-healthcare related purposes.

Friends of Angelo: Countrywide’s Systematic and Successful Effort to Buy Influence and Block Reform

With Countrywide-originated loans serving as fuel and Government-Sponsored Enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac acting as a furnace, the alliance of the companies created an enormous fire that eventually consumed the American economy.

Doubling the National Park Service’s Annual Appropriation – The Unique Influence of the National Parks Conservation Association

The National Parks Conservation Association's influence is on the rise. As the chief outside advocate for the National Park Service, the Association wield considerable clout in the appropriations process.