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Oversight Subcommittee to Probe Government’s Financial Books, Examine Real Deficit

Government’s financial statements show total deficit in Fiscal Year 2010 to be twice as large as advertised   WASHINGTON, D.C. - Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Todd Platts, R-Pa., wants to examine the real size of the deficit when taking into account private sector accounting standards, and ask the nation’s top audit and financial management officials how we can get the government a clean financial bill of health. This week the Government ...

Chairman Issa Lauds Leadership Change in Troubled GAO Unit

Washington, D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today applauded changes in the structure and leadership for the Forensic Audit and Special Investigations unit (FSI) of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) made after the revelations of serious errors in a GAO report. Rick Hillman, current Managing Director of the Financial Markets and Community Investments team, is replacing Greg Kutz, the Managing Director responsible for releasing an ...

3-11-11 "Red to Black: Improving the Collection of Delinquent Debt Owed to the Government"

Hearing Documents Hearing Video Witnesses

3-11-11 "Transparency Through Technology: Evaluating Federal Open-Government Initiatives"

Hearing Documents Hearing Video Panel I  

3-10-11 Joint Hearing "Financial Management, Work Force, and Operations at the SEC: Who's Watching Wall Street's Watchdog?"

Hearing Documents Hearing Video   Witnesses   Other Documents  

3-10-11 Joint Hearing "Financial Management, Work Force, and Operations at the SEC: Who's Watching Wall Street's Watchdog?"

  Hearing Documents Hearing Video Witnesses

3-10-11 Full Committee Business Meeting

Markup Documents Markup Video Click here to watch the March 10, 2011 Business Meeting. Legislative Action H.R. 471 Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton's amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 471. The amendment ...

3-9-11 "Are Federal Workers Underpaid?"

Hearing Documents Subcommittee Chairman Dennis Ross Opening Statement   We are here today to discuss whether federal employees are compensated fairly.   According to the Office of Personnel Management the average salary for federal employees was $74,311 in 2010. The average private sector worker earned $50,462, according to an August 10, ...

03-09-2011 "Assessing the Cumulative Impact of Regulation on U.S. Manufacturers"

Hearing Documents Hearing Video Witnesses

Press Release
Chairman Issa Lauds Leadership Change in Troubled GAO Unit

Washington, D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today applauded changes in the structure and leadership for the Forensic Audit and Special Investigations unit (FSI) of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) made after the revelations of serious errors in a GAO report. Rick Hillman, current Managing Director of the Financial Markets and Community Investments team, is replacing Greg Kutz, the Managing Director responsible for releasing an ...