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Press Release
Chairman Issa Lauds Leadership Change in Troubled GAO Unit

Washington, D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today applauded changes in the structure and leadership for the Forensic Audit and Special Investigations unit (FSI) of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) made after the revelations of serious errors in a GAO report. Rick Hillman, current Managing Director of the Financial Markets and Community Investments team, is replacing Greg Kutz, the Managing Director responsible for releasing an ...

3-8-11 Field Hearing "The Foreclosure Crisis"

Hearing Documents Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement   Tuesday’s hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, entitled “The Foreclosure Crisis,” follows a tradition of the committee’s work to hold field hearings at locations around the country where the subject matter is especially pertinent to issues facing those ...

Issa and Grassley Probe SEC on Failure to Properly Examine Conflict of Interest in Madoff Scandal

WASHINGTON D.C. – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter today requesting additional information from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Chairman Issa and Senator Grassley seek to clarify how the SEC neglected to act on the seemingly obvious, significant conflicts of interest presented by then-General Counsel David Becker’s involvement in the ...

Press Release
Issa and Grassley Probe SEC on Failure to Properly Examine Conflict of Interest in Madoff Scandal

WASHINGTON D.C. – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter today requesting additional information from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Chairman Issa and Senator Grassley seek to clarify how the SEC neglected to act on the seemingly obvious, significant conflicts of interest presented by then-General Counsel David Becker’s involvement in the Madoff ...

The Refuse of the Federal Spending Binge II: How U.S. Taxpayers are Paying Double for Failing Government Programs

Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement Thursday’s hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, entitled “Waste and Abuse: The Refuse of the Federal Spending Binge II: How U.S. Taxpayers are Paying Double for Failing Government Programs,” will examine the waste associated with duplicative federal initiatives. On Tuesday, March 1, 2011, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) released its first annual report to ...

U.S. Military Leaving Iraq: Is the State Department Ready?

Pushing the Envelope: The Looming Crisis at USPS

The DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Keeping the Door Open

America’s Presidential Libraries: Their Mission and Their Future

Joint Hearing with the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure

OGR Subcommittee Hearing Advisory: "Pushing the Envelope: The Looming Crisis at USPS"

SUBCOMMITTEE ON FEDERAL WORKFORCE, U.S. POSTAL SERVICE AND LABOR POLICY THE HONORABLE DENNIS ROSS, CHAIRMAN Pushing the Envelope: The Looming Crisis at USPS   Date: Wednesday March 2nd, 2011   Start Time: 1:30 p.m.   Location: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building   Title: Pushing the Envelope: The Looming Crisis at USPS   Description: The ...