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Issa: AIG Investigation Just Getting Started

What We Learned Today:  NYFRB Engaged in Cover-Up WASHINGTON. D.C. – Following today’s hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform examining the government’s role in bailing out AIG counterparties and hiding its details from the American public, Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA)

Press Release
Issa: AIG Investigation Just Getting Started

What We Learned Today:  NYFRB Engaged in Cover-Up WASHINGTON. D.C. – Following today’s hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform examining the government’s role in bailing out AIG counterparties and hiding its details from the American public, Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) made ...

The Federal Bailout of AIG

New York Federal Reserve Bank/AIG Bailout Documents Video Reactions Rep. Bilbray Rep. Burton Rep. Duncan

Press Release
Addressing Mortgage Foreclosures Must Include Plan to Address Fannie-Freddie

WASHINGTON. D.C. – As the Obama Administration prepared to announce a new plan to address rising foreclosures, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) has called on the Obama Administration to put forward a viable plan to address the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were at the heart of the subprime housing collapse last fall that sent our economy into a tail-spin. “As long as ...

Press Release
Oversight Republicans Release Report on AIG Backdoor Bailout and Fed Cover Up

Report entitled, "Public Disclosure As A Last Resort: How the Federal Reserve Fought to Cover Up the Details of the AIG Counterparties Bailout From the American People." WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report detailing the role of the Federal Reserve in the AIG Counterparty payments where billions of taxpayer dollars were used to pay Wall Street Banks in what has been termed a ...

Oversight Republicans Release Report on AIG Backdoor Bailout and Fed Cover Up

Report entitled, "Public Disclosure As A Last Resort: How the Federal Reserve Fought to Cover Up the Details of the AIG Counterparties Bailout From the American People." WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report detailing the role of the Federal Reserve in the AIG Counterparty payments where billions of taxpayer dollars were used to pay Wall ...

Public Disclosure As A Last Resort: How The Federal Reserve Fought To Cover Up The Details Of The AIG Counterparties Bailout From The American People

On September 15, 2008, the three major credit ratings agencies downgraded AIG's credit rating due to rising calls for AIG to post billions of dollars in cash collateral. These collateral calls, combined with the ratings downgrade (which triggered calls for more collateral under the terms of the contracts), put AIG on the verge of a bankruptcy filing. The following day, September 16, 2008, the Federal Reserve Board, with the support of the Treasury Department, authorized the Federal Reserve Bank ...

The Most Transparent Treasury Ever?


Press Release
Democrats Play Politics with GAO Comptroller Nomination

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressional Democrats today sent a list of several candidates whom they are recommending to the President for appointment as the next Comptroller General.  Their letter derails attempts to develop a slate of candidates that should have been agreed to on a bipartisan basis by the statutory Commission charged with making this recommendation to the President. “President Obama has a choice to make, he can either follow the unfortunate ...

Retreat on Counting Stimulus ‘Created or Saved’ Confuses White House Advisors who Cite Different and Unreliable Estimates

Devaney Letter to Rep. Issa: Giving Up on Displaying ‘Created or Saved’ Count – Will Focus Instead on Jobs Paid for by Taxpayers WASHINGTON D.C. – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa today released