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House and Senate GOP Leaders Call for Withdrawal of EPA Endangerment Finding, Other Rules Based on Dubious Science Exposed by E-mails

WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) today in a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson called for a “thorough and transparent investigation into the questions raised by the disclosure of emails from Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia (CRU)” and called on EPA to “withdraw the Proposed Endangerment Finding, ...

Press Release
Issa Statement Following Secret Service Briefing

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement today after receiving a Secret Service briefing from Deputy Director Faron Paramore on the White House security breach: “The Secret Service has told us that this was the result of human error and the failure of an agent to follow established security protocols.  They have taken responsibility for a breach in security ...

Press Release
House and Senate GOP Leaders Call for Withdrawal of EPA Endangerment Finding, Other Rules Based on Dubious Science Exposed by E-mails

WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) today in a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson called for a “thorough and transparent investigation into the questions raised by the disclosure of emails from Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia (CRU)” and called on EPA to “withdraw the Proposed Endangerment Finding, as well as the ...

Press Release
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Cancels Plan to give $75 Gift Cards to Employees who Return Office Property

WASHINGTON D.C. – An Official at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing today informed staff of Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa that the Bureau is cancelling its plan to spend taxpayer money on $75 gift cards for senior employees who agree to turn in government issued printers and use network printers instead.  The plan could have cost taxpayers over $40,000. “The plan for taxpayers to pay for gift cards to reward ...

Press Release
Issa Expresses Concern Over President Obama’s Afghanistan Strategy

WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-49), the Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Released the following statement on President Obama’s surge strategy for Afghanistan: “President Obama unveiled a strategy this evening that gives our commanders on the ground only some of the troops and resources they have indicated are needed to complete the mission in Afghanistan.  More importantly, his insistence on a timetable for ...

Bureau of Engraving and Printing Cancels Plan to give $75 Gift Cards to Employees who Return Office Property

WASHINGTON D.C. – An Official at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing today informed staff of Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa that the Bureau is cancelling its plan to spend taxpayer money on $75 gift cards for senior employees who agree to turn in government issued printers and use network printers instead.  The plan could have cost taxpayers over $40,000.

Issa Expresses Concern Over President Obama’s Afghanistan Strategy

WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-49), the Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Released the following statement on President Obama’s surge strategy for Afghanistan:“President Obama unveiled a strategy this evening that gives our commanders on the ground only some of the troops and resources they have indicated are needed to complete the mission in Afghanistan.  More importantly, his insistence on a ...

The 2010 Census: How Complete Count Committees, Local Gov Can Contribute to a Successful Census

Will Arbitron’s Personal People Meter Silence Minority Owned Radio Stations?

Boehner, Issa Respond to Biden’s Decision to Keep Citing Discredited “Saved or Created” Jobs Figure

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and House Oversight & Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (D-CA) issued the following statement today after Vice President Joe Biden’s office responded to the letter Boehner and ...