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Press Release
SIGTARP Report Confirms Conclusions from Oversight Committee Investigation

WASHINGTON. D.C. – A report released today by the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) confirmed findings of an Oversight and Government Reform Committee investigation that key players in the financial crisis took unprecedented actions but the impact of these decisions remains difficult to assess. “Faced with the threat of an unparalleled economic crisis, Treasury, the Federal Reserve and FDIC implemented programs designed to help prevent ...

7-30-09 – Markup of HR 2517 "The Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009"

Hearing Video  

6-18-09 – Full Committee Markup on Post Office Namings

Hearing Video  

06-4-2009 – Full Committee Markup of HR 2646, The Government Accountability Office Improvement Act of 2009

Hearing Video  

10-01-2009 – Transnational Drug Enterprises: Threats to Global Stability and U.S. National Security from Southwest Asia, Latin America, and West Africa

Hearing Documents Hearing Video Witnesses

Transnational Drug Enterprises: Threats to Global Stability and U.S. National Security from Southwest Asia, Latin America, and West Africa

Press Release
Senate Cap & Trade Proposal Will Cost Americans Jobs

WASHINGTON D.C.- Rep. Darrell Issa (CA), the Ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, today issued the following statement on the introduction of Cap & Trade legislation by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) that will raise the costs of gasoline, electricity, and other forms of energy for the American people: “Instead of improving the House’s flawed cap-and-trade proposal to tax energy, the Senate bill would create even higher energy bills and ...

Press Release
Issa Confronts Towns on Countrywide VIP – Challenges Him to Hold Vote to Issue Subpoena

Click HERE to Watch Issa’s Confrontation with Chairman Towns WASHINGTON. D.C. – At a hearing today of the House Committee on Oversight and ...

Senate Cap & Trade Proposal Will Cost Americans Jobs

WASHINGTON D.C. - Rep. Darrell Issa (CA), the Ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, today issued the following statement on the introduction of Cap & Trade legislation by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) that will raise the costs of gasoline, electricity, and other forms of energy for the American people: ...

Issa Confronts Towns on Countrywide VIP – Challenges Him to Hold Vote to Issue Subpoena

Click HERE to Watch Issa’s Confrontation with Chairman Towns WASHINGTON. D.C. ...