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Issa: Budget Review Removes Obama’s Fig Leaf of Fiscal Rectitude

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Commitee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-Vista) today issued a statement regarding reassessments by the Office of Management and Budget and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that reveal a projected ten-year budget deficit of $9.1 trillion: “Today's budget numbers show the Obama Administration has vastly ...

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Required Oversight Reading

HOT-OFF-THE-PRESSES OVERSIGHT NEWS    Oversight Daily News Archive September 2009   September 16, 2009

Track the So-Called "Stimulus"


Media Advisories

    June 11, 2010 - MEDIA ADVISORY: Towns, Issa to Hold Joint Media Availability   February 16, 2009 - MEDIA ADVISORY:  Issa to Visit ...

Press Release
Rep. Issa Expands ACORN Investigation

Oversight Republican Asks IRS, FEC, SBA, HUD, and Dept. of Labor to Answer Critical Questions Following Report Outlining Criminal Activity WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) has sent five letters to Departments and Federal Agencies asking questions about ACORN’s illegal activities and federal funding grants to this political organization. The Oversight and Government Reform ...

Medicare Experience Suggests Americans Should Expect Massive Fraud with Nationalized Health Care

The government-run “public option” plan may mirror another government-run health care program: Medicare. Medicare – a federal entitlement program established in 1965 to provide health insurance to individuals 65 and older – has been expanded over the last four decades to cover certain individuals under 65, and now covers 45 million people at a cost of $492 billion per year.

Let's Go to the VIP Videotape…

  August 7, 2009 CBS Evening ...

Ongoing Countrywide VIP Oversight Investigation News

August 8, 2009 Bloomberg Lawmaker Blocking Countrywide Subpoena Received Loans From Firm   August 7, 2009 The Hill Towns denies VIP mortgage treatment   August 7, 2009 CNN ...

Ongoing Countrywide VIP Mortgage News

October 24, 2009 FoxNews House to Subpoena Documents on VIP Mortgages for Members of Congress September 29, 2009 American Banking News