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Press Release
Issa on CIA Controversy: “The whole question of lying to Congress is serious enough that it should always be investigated and taken seriously.”

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and member of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller today calling on him to “to investigate possible criminal wrongdoing by CIA employees…to include questions raised by members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence about whether the CIA Director’s communications to Members of Congress and ...

Issa on CIA Controversy: “The whole question of lying to Congress is serious enough that it should always be investigated and taken seriously.”

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and member of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller today calling on him to “to investigate possible criminal wrongdoing by CIA employees…to include questions raised by members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence about whether the CIA Director’s communications ...

07-09-2009 – Full Committee – "The Rise of the Mexico Drug Cartels and U.S. National Security"

July 9, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-09-2009 – Information Policy – "Census Data and Its Use in Federal Formula Spending"

Hearing titled "Census Data and Its Use in Federal Formula Spending" July 9, 2009   Hearing Documents Hearing Video

Census Data and Its Use in Federal Formula Spending

The Rise of the Mexico Drug Cartels and U.S. National Security

07-08-2009-Full Committee "Tracking the Money: Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse of Recovery Act Funding"

July 8, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-08-2009 – Federal Workforce – "Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009"

Hearing on HR 2517 "Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009" July 8, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-08-2009 – Government Management – "Oversight of Federal Financial Management"

Hearing on "Oversight of Federal Financial Management" July 8, 2009   Hearing Documents Hearing Video

Oversight of Federal Financial Management