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Waste Watch: The Democrats’ Unhinged Spending Binge

The Waste Watch is a newsletter exposing wasteful federal government spending and brought to you by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Republicans. Congressional Democrats and President Joe Biden are on an unhinged spending binge, proposing more ...

The Overview
Comer on Fox News: H.R. 51 is Democrats’ Attempt to Consolidate Power, Pack the Court, Pass Progressive Agenda

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) joined “America's Newsroom” on Fox News today to discuss the House of Representatives’ pending vote on H.R. 51 to grant Washington, D.C. statehood. During the interview, Comer outlined how H.R. 51 goes against the Founding Fathers’ intent, is unconstitutional, and is a power grab by Democrats to add two progressive senators to the U.S. Senate in order to pack the Supreme Court.

The Overview
ICYMI: Coverage From Oversight Republicans’ Border Trip

WASHINGTON — House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) and Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-N.M.) led a delegation of seven Committee Republicans to El Paso, Texas and New Mexico to witness firsthand the humanitarian and ...

The Overview
Comer Joins Fox News to Preview Border Trip

WASHINGTON -- House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) joined Fox News Live today to preview Oversight Republicans’ visit to the southern border to witness the Biden Border Crisis. During the trip to El Paso, Texas and New Mexico, the Republican lawmakers will tour U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities, hear from local officials, visit the border wall, and examine conditions on the ground. 

The Overview
What Migrants are Saying About the Biden Border Crisis

Since his first day in office, President Biden and his Administration have issued a series of executive orders and actions that have signaled to the world the southwest border is open and illegal immigration will have little, if any, consequence.  The facts ...

The Overview
Waste Watch

The Waste Watch is a newsletter exposing wasteful federal government spending and brought to you by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Republicans. This week, Congressional Democrats and President Joe Biden are pushing another massive spending package under the guise ...

The Overview
Comer on Varney & Co: Refusal to Enforce Immigration Laws a Risk to Health, National Security

WASHINGTON—House Oversight & Reform Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) joined Fox Business’ Varney & Co. this morning to discuss the dual national security and health crises developing at the southern border as the Biden Administration continues their refusal to enforce our immigration laws.   He also discussed President Biden’s wasteful $2 trillion spending package coming through Congress, even as $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars from recent ...

The Overview
Red Tape Report

The Red Tape Report is a newsletter detailing President Biden’s executive actions and regulations that kill jobs, burden small businesses, and hamper economic recovery. This is brought to you by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Republicans.

The Overview
WATCH: Ranking Member Jim Jordan Asks Chairman Cummings to Hold Michael Cohen Accountable For Lying to Committee

The revelation from Lanny Davis that Mr. Cohen directed his attorney to explore the possibility of a pardon from President Trump contradicts his testimony under oath that he ‘never asked for, nor would [he] accept a pardon from President Trump.’ As I warned before Mr. Cohen’s appearance before the Oversight Committee, relying on an admitted liar to attack the President is beneath the dignity of the People’s House. Chairman Cummings warned Michael Cohen that if he lied to the Oversight ...

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Rep. Jim Jordan: Cohen’s Testimony That He Never Visited Prague “Undermines” Basic Claims Of The Steele Dossier

From Tim Hains at Real Clear Politics: "NBC's "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd debates Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, about Michael Cohen's claims in Wednesday's public hearing. Jordan said Cohen is a liar but points out that one thing Cohen said, that he has never been to Prague, undermines one of the ...