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The Overview
#TBT: A Sampling of the Committee’s Most-Watched Videos

Chairman Chaffetz presses the EPA on its delayed response to the Flint water crisis: Congressman Gowdy grills DHS official on due process:

The Overview
Member Minute – 7/28/16

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) reviews ...

The Overview
Member Minute – 6/30/16

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) ...

The Overview
Impeach the IRS Commissioner

WASHINGTON, D.C.—This morning, the House Judiciary Committee holds its second hearing to examine the misconduct of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. The drumbeat continues to grow for Mr. Koskinen’s impeachment.

The Overview
Member Minute – June 2, 2016

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Congressman Buddy Carter (R-GA) discusses the need for reforms at ...

The Overview
OGR Member Minute (5/4/16)

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from the Oversight and Government Reform Committee members.

The Overview
Meet the Only Pharmacist in Congress: Rep. Buddy Carter

Take 99 seconds to learn about this Georgian: businessman, healthcare professional, and public servant. As the only pharmacist in Congress, Mr. Carter advises prospective pharmacists…

The Overview
BY THE NUMBERS: 2016 GAO Duplication Report

“Waste and Inefficiency in the Federal Government: GAO’s 2016 Duplication Report”  (click to view the ...

The Overview
10 Things You Should Know About Rep. Mark Walker

For starters, watch this two minute video. He can’t pass up some savory North Carolina Barbecue.

The Overview
OGR Member Minute (3/9/16)

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from the Oversight and Government Reform Committee members.