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Hunter Biden Criminal Investigation

Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal: Politico obtained a copy of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal.

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Hunter Biden Criminal Investigation

The House Oversight Committee holds a hearing with two IRS whistleblowers who testified about the Department of Justice’s misconduct and politicization in the Biden criminal investigation. Key takeaways from the hearing can be found here.

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Washington Examiner reveals Alexander Mackler, a close associate of the Biden family and former Biden Staffer, spent years working in the Delaware U.S. attorney's office. According to Mackler's LinkedIn, part of his tenure was under U.S. Attorney David Weiss. He also had overlap with the months when whistleblowers said the office took up an investigation of Hunter Biden.   "Mackler ...

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Business Insider reveals Hunter Biden's gallery sold art to major Democratic donor and Biden-appointed commissioner Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali.   Naftali was appointed by President Biden to the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad.   This is the same Commission President Obama appointed Eric Schwerin, Hunter Biden's longtime business associate, to in ...

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Senator Chuck Grassley released an unclassified FBI-generated record describing an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a Ukrainian business executive. Senator Grassley acquired the record, an FD-1023, via legally protected disclosures by Justice Department whistleblowers.

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China – CEFC

In a WhatsApp message to a Chinese company, Hunter Biden states, “Please have the director call me – not James or Tony or Jim – have him call me tonight. I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. I am very concerned that the Chairman has either changed his mind and broken our deal without telling me or that he is unaware of the promises and assurances that have been made have not been kept. ...

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Hunter Biden Criminal Investigation

The Committee on Ways and Means releases IRS whistleblower testimony about the Department of Justice’s politicization and misconduct with respect to allegations against Hunter Biden.

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Important Date

The Oversight and Accountability Committee releases its second bank records memorandum revealing the Bidens’ influence peddling schemes in Romania and China.

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The Oversight and Accountability Committee releases its first bank records memorandum revealing over $1 million in payments from a Chinese company to the Bidens through an associate.

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During the same October presidential debate, Joe Biden also said, “My son has not made money, in terms of thing about, what are you talking about? China. The only guy who made money in China is [President Trump].” [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]