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Illicit Drugs in International Mail

PURPOSE: To examine how the U.S. Postal Service's (USPS) security standards for international mail facilitate an influx of illicit drugs to the United States. To examine a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report examining the costs and benefits of using electronic data to screen items sent through international ...

Combating Homegrown Terrorism

PURPOSE: To examine the U.S. government's policy for countering violent extremism within domestic communities. To discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) grant program. To identify the scope of the ...

Challenges to Freedom of Speech on College Campuses

PURPOSE: To identify the harms of infringing on the right to free speech on college campuses.  To explore recommendations on how to encourage and protect First Amendment rights, as well as intellectual and ideological diversity, on college campuses.  To understand administrators' concerns about ...

Office of National Drug Control Policy: Reauthorization in the 115th Congress

TAKEAWAYS: ONDCP has not submitted a reauthorization proposal to Congress this year.  With opioid related deaths increasing in 2016, ONDCP has not submitted the National Drug Control Strategy to Congress, even though it's supposed to be released February 1st each year.  Much more needs to ...

Examining Sue and Settle Agreements: Part II

PURPOSE: The hearing will examine how advocacy groups and federal agencies use consent decrees - court-ordered settlement agreements that are legally binding -  to implement institutional reform across ...

General Services Administration – Acquisition Oversight and Reform

PURPOSE: To hear from the new leadership of the Federal Acquisition System (FAS) and Technology Transformation Service (TTS) regarding a recent ...

Criminal Justice Reform and Efforts to Reduce Recidivism

TAKEAWAYS: Over 95 percent of the prison population today will be released at some point in the future.  Implementing programs that provide vocational training, drug treatment and community support can ease the transition back into society and reduce the rate of recidivism.  States like South ...

The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Scorecard 4.0

PURPOSE: To examine agencies' progress in implementing the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and the implications for IT acquisition reform and security. BACKGROUND: In December 2014, Congress ...

Fast and Furious, Six Years Later

PURPOSE: To identify what the new officials at the Department of Justice can learn from the mistakes made by their predecessors in responding to Congress's inquiry.   To understand the effect of the Justice Department's obstruction on these witnesses. BACKGROUND:

Improper Payments in the Federal Government: Student Aid

PURPOSE: To evaluate the Department of Education's (the Department) progress towards accurately estimating improper payments and its plans to prevent them in the future.  To examine how the Department recovers overpayments. BACKGROUND: Improper ...