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Examining Environmental Barriers to Infrastructure Development

PURPOSE: To identify examples of regulations and statutes that inhibit infrastructure growth. To examine ways to remove unnecessary impediments from projects critical to American infrastructure and jobs. BACKGROUND: In December 2016, the Treasury Department released a list of 40 proposed infrastructure ...

The Use of Official Time for Union Activities at the Department of Veterans Affairs

PURPOSE: To discuss challenges facing the Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) regarding tracking official time. To explore whether official time is being authorized in a manner that is most effective for both the veterans being served and the American taxpayer. BACKGROUND: Authorized under section 7131 of title 5, official time is paid time off from assigned ...

Examining Federal Programs that Serve Tribes and Their Members

PURPOSE: To review recent studies conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General (DOI OIG) on the management of federal programs that serve tribes. BACKGROUND: On Wednesday, GAO will release its biennial High Risk List of government operations with the greatest vulnerability to fraud, waste, and mismanagement; one new area of the 2017 report is ...

GAO’s 2017 High Risk Report: 34 Programs in Peril

PURPOSE: To discuss the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) 2017 High Risk List and highlight the problems that remain unaddressed. To consider solutions that will move these programs off of the High Risk List. BACKGROUND: On Wednesday, GAO will release its biennial High Risk List of government operations with the greatest vulnerability to fraud, waste, and mismanagement as well as recommendations ...

Accomplishing Postal Reform in the 115th Congress – H.R. 756, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2017

TAKEAWAYS: USPS is past the point where it is salvageable as it exists now - legislation is necessary to implement needed reforms. USPS has more than $119 billion in unfunded liability, and is projected to run out of cash. The postal delivery fleet is at the end of its expected life. ...

“Improving Security and Efficiency at OPM and the National Background Investigations Bureau”

TAKEAWAYS: Oversight Committee investigation and majority staff

Five Years Later: A Review of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act

PURPOSE: To receive updates on new provisions implemented in the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (WPEA) and review provisions expiring in 2017. Consider additional measures that may be necessary to protect whistleblowers. BACKGROUND: This year marks the fifth anniversary of the passage of the WPEA. The WPEA was the first major update in nearly 20 years to the ...

Empowering the Inspectors General

TAKEAWAYS: Since the implementation of the Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016, IGs have experienced

Fraud, Waste and Abuse under the Affordable Care Act

PURPOSE: To examine challenges with implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its impact on the health insurance market. BACKGROUND: Enrollment under ACA is less than half the Congressional Budget Office's initial projection, and health care costs continue ...

DATA Act Implementation Check-in

PURPOSE: To examine the administration's efforts and the challenges confronting government-wide implementation of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act). BACKGROUND: Enacted on May 9, 2014, the DATA Act modernizes federal spending data by requiring agencies to report detailed, program level financial data which will allow for tracking and analyzing the use of taxpayer dollars. The ...