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Examining Fraud, Waste, and Abuse at the Export-Import Bank

PURPOSE: To examine fraud, waste, and abuse at the Bank and the Inspector General’s efforts to address deficiencies with the Bank’s management and internal controls. To follow up on findings from the

The Federal Information Technology Reform Act’s Role in Reducing IT Acquisition Risk

PURPOSE: To assess how Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) implementation may address IT acquisition risks and impact federal IT acquisition. BACKGROUND: The hearing will examine the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) 2015 designation of IT acquisition as high risk and implementation of FITARA. The Subcommittees plan to review the high risk factors identified by GAO ...

The Impact of Executive Order 13658 on Public Land Guides and Outfitters

PURPOSE: To discuss issues facing rural outfitters in light of Executive Order 13658 and to examine solutions to this unique problem. BACKGROUND: In February 2014, the President issued Executive Order 13658, which established a new $10.10 per hour minimum wage for contractors with the Federal Government. EO 13658 also applies to “contract-like instruments” defined in Department of Labor guidance to ...

Field Briefing, “Oversight of Major Transportation and Infrastructure Projects in New York City”

BRIEFING PURPOSE: To examine major infrastructure projects currently underway in New York City and assess the cost and status of each project. To determine whether federal infrastructure investments are being used efficiently.   BRIEFING BACKGROUND: The Committee is tracking large-scale transportation projects to ensure they remain on budget and on schedule. As part of the field briefing, ...

Ensuring Agency Compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

HEARING PURPOSE: This hearing will examine the processes agencies use to meet FOIA’s legal requirements and explore barriers to effective and efficient compliance from the FOIA officer’s perspective. The Committee will hear from the witnesses tasked with implementing FOIA at several agencies that need to improve response efforts. HEARING BACKGROUND: ...

Ensuring Transparency through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

HEARING PURPOSE: To examine the use of FOIA requests as a tool for government transparency and explore barriers to accessing public documents from the user’s perspective. The Committee will hear from witnesses that use FOIA in news reporting, academic research, and to conduct government oversight. HEARING BACKGROUND: Enacted in 1966, FOIA is a transparency tool for individuals to ensure government accountability. Under FOIA, requesters may ask ...

Issues Facing Civilian and Postal Service Vehicle Fleet Procurement

U.S. Secret Service: Accountability for March 4, 2015 Incident

HEARING PURPOSE: To examine the Inspector General’s newly released report on its investigation into the March 4, 2015 incident at the White House Complex.  HEARING BACKGROUND: On March 10, 2015, allegations of misconduct were referred to the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General. The ...

D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program: Making the American Dream Possible

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, May 14th the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing to examine the role that the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) plays in providing parents in the District of Columbia with the option of enrolling their children in a private school if that best suits their children’s academic needs. BACKGROUND: Initially established in 2004 through the D.C. School Choice Incentive Act, and reauthorized for five years ...

The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness Against the Threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse Event

HEARING PURPOSE: The hearing will educate Congress and the public about an EMP threat and encourage the Department of Homeland Security to lead an inter-agency protection effort. HEARING BACKGROUND: Though Congress has created multiple commissions to improve protections against an EMP threat, the electrical grid remains under-prepared. Fallout from an EMP event could include months of power loss, affecting basic necessities and resulting in loss of life.