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Food Stamp Fraud as a Business Model: USDA’s Struggle to Police Store Owners

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement According to USDA’s own accounting estimates, 15% of all convenience and small grocery stores that accept food stamps participate in food stamp trafficking.  A typical example of fraud by a store owner in the program would involve ringing up items prohibited by the food stamp fraud, like beer and cigarettes, as vegetables.  In other instances, merchants pay cash for a card, ...

The Pros and Cons of Making the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey Voluntary

The Status of Government Financial Management: A Look at the FY2011 Consolidated Financial Statements

Preventing Stolen Valor: Challenges and Solutions

Honoring George Washington’s Legacy: Does America Need a Reminder?

Government 2.0: GAO Unveils New Duplicative Program Report

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement   Taxpayers deserve modern, efficient and cost-effective operations in their government, and it is the job of Congress and the Obama Administration, especially in times of fiscal crisis, to deliver these results. Today the Government Accountability Office released a report that outlines 51 new areas of duplication, overlap and fragmentation. It has identified across ...

How Much Is Too Much? Examining Duplicative IT Investments at DOE and DOD

Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience?

Americans of all faiths have a right to practice their religion free from the fear of persecution or harassment from their government. Our nation's founders believed this and enshrined religious freedom into the First Amendment to the Constitution.   While some Americans may not feel that government mandates forcing them to pay for contraception are an infringement on their religious beliefs, others consider it to be an assault against their freedom of ...

Why Reshuffling Government Agencies Won’t Solve the Federal Government’s Obesity Problem

The federal government has grown astronomically despite a fiscal crisis and a lingering recession that has shrunk corporations, small businesses and put further strain on millions of American families working to make ends meet. Today's hearing will shed light on different proposals—including President Obama's—to assess and reshuffle the size of our federal government. The President's own budget, released this week, would add $1.3 trillion to the deficit in 2013. This budget does ...

Field Hearing: Exploring All the Energy Options and Solutions: South Texas as a Leader in Creating Jobs and Strengthening the Economy

Cheap and abundant energy has fueled our economic growth and job creation over the last century—continuing this growth in the future depends upon sustaining the availability and low cost of energy resources. Texas is at the heart of a resurging energy economy all along the Gulf Coast. Today, we look to the job creators of Texas to tell their stories about what policies have been successful and how their focus on fostering energy production has made Texas a magnet for new residents ...