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Examining Obamacare’s Hidden Marriage Penalty and Its Impact on the Deficit

Internal Control Weaknesses at the Department of Homeland Security

Status Report on the Transition to a Civilian-Led Mission in Iraq

Running on Empty: How the Obama Administration’s Green Energy Gamble Will Impact Small Business & Consumers

Protecting Taxpayer Dollars: Are Federal Agencies Making Full Use of Suspension and Debarment Sanctions?

Obamacare’s Employer Penalty and Its Impact on Temporary Workers

Where is the Peace Dividend? Examining the Final Report to Congress of the Commission on Wartime Contracting

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement Today we welcome Congressman Christopher Shays – a former member of this committee, Mr. Michael Thibault, who co-chaired the commission's work with Congressman Shays, and other members of the Commission on Wartime Contracting. In August, they released a final report with alarming findings about waste and abuse that occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over the course of 2 years, the Commission has conducted 25 hearings, ...

The Department of Defense: Challenges in Financial Management

Potential Conflicts of Interest at the SEC: The Becker Case

Chairman McHenry Hearing Preview Statement In May 2010, then-Ranking Member Issa released a report that explained how the SEC's unworkable structure, lawyer-driven culture, and technological backwardness helped to cause its high-profile failures, such as the Madoff scandal. This joint committee hearing continues ongoing efforts of Congressional oversight. The matter at hand today revolves around former NASDAQ chairman Bernard Madoff's elaborate Ponzi scheme. ...

How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda is Killing Jobs

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement Facing the worst recession since the Great Depression, President Obama has confronted this crisis by promoting green jobs as a major component of his recovery plan. He has said that these programs would create five million jobs within ten years. The President has also cited the efforts of other nations as the rationale to try to subsidize our way to energy independence. Unfortunately, the other nations who tried this ...