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Markup Markup Date: September 15, 2016 10:00 am

Full Committee Business Meeting

Full Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
H.R. 6004, the Modernizing Government Technology Act of 2016
  • Authorizes individual Chief Financial Officer Act agencies to establish an information technology (IT) system modernization and working capital fund;
  • Authorizes a centralized IT modernization fund in the U.S. Treasury to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget for which all Executive Branch agencies may apply and present a business case to obtain such funds.
Passed Voice Link
Amendment Hurd ANS Passed Voice
H.R. 5995, the GAO Task and Delivery Order Protest Authority Act of 2016
  • Permanently extends the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s authority to hear protests of civilian task and delivery orders where such awards exceed $10 million.
Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 6008, the Transit Benefits Modernization Act
  • Creates a pilot program to allow federal employees living in the Washington Metropolitan Area to receive transit benefits for the use of transportation network companies in lieu of regular transit benefits until December 31, 2018.
Passed Unanimous Link
Amendment Clay Amendment Passed Unanimous
H.R. 6009, the Federal Agency Mail Management Act of 2016
  • Makes a technical correction to clarify that the General Services Administration (GSA) is responsible for ensuring the effective processing of mail by federal agencies following the implementation of the Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 (P.L. 113-187).
Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 2532, the EASY Savings Act of 2015
  • Strengthens the awards program for disclosures by federal employees of fraud, waste, or mismanagement that result in cost savings to the employee's agency to include identification of surplus “salaries and expenses” funds;
  • Directs any savings resulting from the identification of such funds or budget authority be used for deficit reduction or to reduce the federal debt;
  • Permits the head of an agency to retain up to 10 percent of such savings for the purpose of paying cash awards to certain employees who identify surplus salaries and expenses funds.
Passed Voice Link
Amendment Chaffetz Amendment Passed Voice
H.R. 3779, to restrict the inclusion of social security account numbers on documents sent by mail by the Federal Government, and for other purposes
  • Prohibits federal departments and agencies from including the Social Security number of any individual on any document sent by mail unless the department or agency head determines that inclusion of that Social Security number on the document is necessary.
Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5625, the Modernizing Government Travel Act
  • The Committee will consider an amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 5625 that would codify existing GSA regulations allowing federal employees to be reimbursed for the use of a transportation network company or innovative mobility technology company while on official business.
  • Modifies existing agency reporting requirements by requiring agencies to provide additional data to GSA, and GSA, in turn, would be required to submit a report to Congress analyzing the data.
Passed Unanimous Link
Amendment Hurd Amendment Passed Unanimous
H.R. 5920, the Whistleblower Protections for Contractors Act
  • Makes permanent an expiring pilot program of whistleblower protections for certain civilian contractors with the federal government;
  • Expands an existing limitation on defense and civilian contractors being reimbursed by the government for legal costs incurred in proceedings related to whistleblower reprisal.
Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5785, to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide for an annuity supplement for certain air traffic controllers
  • Exempts full-time air traffic control instructors under contract with the Federal Aviation Administration from the reduction to the Federal Employees Retirement System annuity supplement when an annuitant receives excess earnings;
  • Permits retirees eligible to receive an immediate annuity before age 62 to receive an annuity supplement approximating the value of a Social Security benefit, yet this benefit is phased out as outside income increases.
Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5790, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2016
  • Strengthens the rights and protections afforded to Federal Bureau of Investigation employees so they can more effectively help root out waste, fraud, and abuse;
  • Broadens the categories of people who can receive a protected disclosure from whistleblowers, prohibits retaliation for participation in protected activity, and replaces the lengthy adjudication process.
Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5150, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3031 Veterans Road West in Staten Island, New York, as the “Leonard Montalto Post Office Building” Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5309, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 401 McElroy Drive in Oxford, Mississippi, as the “Army First Lieutenant Donald C. Carwile Post Office Building” Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5591, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 810 N US Highway 83 in Zapata, Texas, as the “Zapata Veterans Post Office” Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5676, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6300 N. Northwest Highway in Chicago, Illinois, as the “Officer Joseph P. Cali Post Office Building” Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5798, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1101 Davis Street in Evanston, Illinois, as the “Abner J. Mikva Post Office Building” Passed Unanimous Link
H.R. 5889, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Chalan Kanoa VLG in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, as the “Segundo T. Sablan and CNMI Fallen Military Heroes Post Office Building” Passed Unanimous Link