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Press Release
New IRS E-mails: Lois Lerner Funneled Elijah Cummings Info on Targeted Conservative Group

Ranking Democrat previously denied his staff contacted the IRS about group True the Vote WASHINGTON – Newly delivered internal IRS e-mails sent and received by former IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner and other IRS employees show that House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Minority staff, working for Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, began contacting the IRS in August 2012 ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Releases Lois Lerner Contempt Report

“Lois Lerner’s testimony is critical to the Committee’s investigation,” the report states. “Without her testimony, the full extent of the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party applications cannot be known, and the Committee will be unable to fully complete its work.” As Director of the Exempt Organizations business divisions of the IRS during the relevant period, Ms. Lerner “has unique, first-hand knowledge of how, and why, the IRS scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status from ...

Press Release
Lankford and Speier Release Bipartisan Social Security Disability Recommendations

“The Subcommittee’s work has uncovered significant management and implementation problems with federal disability programs that deserve to be addressed in a bipartisan fashion. Because the program will be insolvent in two years, the Social Security Administration needs to take immediate action with authority it already has to address shortcomings with its policies and management. We are committed to continuing to work together to ensure that the programs protect the truly disabled and to ...

Press Release
Issa, Jordan Question FSOC Asset Management Study

WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, pressed Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew for more information about the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s (FSOC) interaction with other financial agencies, after concerns were raised about the group’s usage of the ...

Press Release
OMB to Testify on Postal Service Cost Cutting Provisions in the President’s Budget

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) today announced that Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Deputy Director Brian Deese will testify Tuesday at the full committee hearing titled, “The President’s Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Proposal for the Postal Service.” The hearing will examine President Obama’s most recent ...

Press Release
New Oversight Report Debunks Myth that Liberal Groups were Targeted by IRS

“[T]he Administration and congressional Democrats have seized upon the notion that the IRS’s targeting was not just limited to conservative applicants,” the report states. “These Democratic claims are flat-out wrong and have no basis in any thorough examination of the facts. Yet, the Administration’s chief defenders continue to make these assertions in a concerted effort to deflect and distract from the truth about the IRS’s targeting of tax-exempt applicants.”

Press Release
Issa Requests Cummings Disclose Relevant Information in Advance of Contempt Meeting to All Members

“Based on our discussions several weeks ago, it is my understanding that you and your staff are communicating with William W. Taylor, III, Ms. Lerner’s counsel. You told me that we should discuss the terms of an immunity agreement and proffer with Mr. Taylor."

Press Release
Issa Requests Cummings Disclose Relevant Information in Advance of Contempt Meeting to All Members

WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., sent a letter to Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., requesting any current or ongoing communications Ranking Member Cummings and his staff have had with Ms. Lerner’s attorney. The letter states: “Based on our discussions several weeks ago, it is my understanding that you and your staff are communicating with William W. Taylor, III, Ms. Lerner’s counsel.  You told me that we ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Eisenhower Memorial Vote and Offered Amendment

WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., released the following statement on his vote in favor of the National Capitol Planning Commission’s resolution to disapprove portions of the proposed design for the Eisenhower Memorial. The resolution passed seven-three, with an amendment introduced by Chairman Issa. “As somebody who has grown to greatly admire President Eisenhower, I know he was a man who believed you had to come as you ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee to Consider IRS Targeting Contempt Finding

Washington, D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) today announced that the Committee will convene for a business meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 9:00 AM in room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building to consider a resolution holding Lois G. Lerner, former IRS Director of Exempt Organizations, in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions before Congress on