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Press Release
Report: $67 Billion in Cost-Cutting Reforms Left on the Table

WASHINGTON - As the President’s sequestration cuts go into effect, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released today a report detailing the growth in the backlog unimplemented recommendations from agency inspectors general.   “This report chronicles $67 billion in unimplemented reforms that non-partisan Inspectors General have identified,” ...

Press Release
Issa Asks 17 Federal Agencies to ID Alternatives to Sequestration Spending Cuts

“We cannot avert sequestration without a plan to end the undisciplined and unsustainable federal spending that resulted in the sequester in the first place,” Issa said a letter sent to the acting heads of 17 federal agencies.

Press Release
Chairman Issa on Holder Statement that he doesn’t “Respect” Congress

“Attorney General Holder’s admission that he does not respect the Democratic and Republican Members of Congress who voted to hold him in contempt offers a window into why Washington is so dysfunctional,” said Chairman Issa.

Press Release
VIDEO RELEASE: Meet Your Oversight Watchdogs: Rep. Cynthia Lummis

“My priorities here in Congress are to represent the people of Wyoming who want to reduce the size of the federal government, make it more responsive to people, cut irresponsible spending,” said Rep. Lummis.

Press Release
House Advances Bill to Save $11 Billion By Overturning Obama Federal Pay Hike

“Federal employees are on average compensated 16% more than their private sector counterparts. In fact, during the so-called ‘pay freeze’ federal employee pay has gone up by $3,328 while private sector pay has gone up only $1,404."

Press Release
FACT SHEET: H.R. 273- Overturning the President’s Federal Pay Hike

H.R. 273 overturns the President’s December 27, 2012 executive order giving federal employees an across-the-board raise – thus saving taxpayers $11 billion over ten years.

Press Release
Oversight Committee Adopts Bipartisan Recommendations to Prevent New York Medicaid Misspending and Recover Past Overpayments

The report details some of the historic problems with New York State's Medicaid program as revealed by independent investigators, news organizations, and the Committee's own research. The report shows that fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement has been a large problem...

Press Release
Issa Statement on GAO High Risk List

“The GAO’s latest High Risk List includes seventeen items that have been on the list more than a decade, and six that have been on the list since it began in 1990," Issa said.

Press Release
Oversight Hearing to Review Impact of Rising Energy Costs on American Families

"Energy costs for the average American family have risen significantly in the last twelve years. Since 2000, the amount that families spend on energy has increased to 20 percent of real income, up from 12 percent in 2001."

Press Release
U.S. Funds to Afghanistan to be Reviewed in Wednesday Oversight Subcommittee Hearing

"Each year the U.S. spends billions of taxpayer dollars on direct assistant to the government of Afghanistan, often with little oversight as to how the money is allotted, distributed, and invested. This hearing will examine the federal government’s oversight process for direct assistance funds."