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Press Release
Issa, Vitter Investigate EPA’s Transparency Problem, More Suspicious E-mail Accounts

“We’ve seen EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mails, and now we have a regional administrator who appears to be dodging the agency’s mandatory recordkeeping policy,” said Vitter. “The American people have to be wondering where this will stop."

Press Release
Issa, Cummings Warn NFLPA That Players May Be Called Before Committee

“We are disappointed with the NFLPA’s remarkable recalcitrance, which has prevented meaningful progress on this issue. We intend to take a more active role to determine whether the position you have taken—that HGH is not a serious concern and that the test for HGH is unreliable—is consistent...."

Press Release
Issa: Unconstitutional Appointees Should Step Down

“As the Oversight Committee examined in a hearing a year ago, President Obama’s appointments looked like an obvious election-year pander to big labor bosses. Today, we know that it is American workers who are going to pay the price for the Administration’s arrogant miscalculation.”

Press Release
Chairman Issa on Resignation of Lanny Breuer

“Lanny Breuer’s resignation is long overdue,” Chairman Issa said. “Breuer was at the heart of several critical failures in Operation Fast and Furious: he knew about reckless tactics, failed to take seriously allegations that they were continuing, and only owned up to his failures once they were publicly exposed."

Press Release
Oversight Committee Makes Bipartisan Call for Appointment of State Department IG

“The Department has not had a Senate-confirmed Inspector General since 2008, which is the longest vacancy of any of the 73 Inspector General positions across the federal government,” the four Members state in their letter to the President.

Press Release
“Why The Waste” in Federal IT Spending? [VIDEO]

Estimates suggest that as much as $20 billion of taxpayer money is wasted each year. “Information technology is at the heart of every federal agency or program’s ability to function successfully,” said House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Press Release
Issa: Nomination of B. Todd Jones to Lead ATF is Slap in Face to Fast and Furious Victims, Whistleblowers

“Acting Director Jones was at the helm of ATF as many troubling problems from the fallout of Operation Fast and Furious festered,” said Issa. “His specific decisions on a number of Fast and Furious related issues raise concerns about his judgment and ability to lead the agency."

Press Release
Oversight Holds Hearing Tuesday on Wasteful IT Spending

The White House’s top IT official, Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel will testify along with the Government Accountability Office, former Oversight Committee Chairman Tom Davis, and several large and small IT contractors.

Press Release
Issa Announces 113th Congress Organizational Meeting, Majority Subcommittee Assignments

“This team is enthusiastic about the Oversight Committee’s mission of ensuring a transparent and accountable government for the American people,” Issa said. “These individuals will work tirelessly to identify and eliminate government waste, fraud, and abuse.”

Press Release
Overturn the President’s $11,000,000,000 Federal Employee Pay Hike

“The President has once again demonstrated his penchant for unrestrained spending by giving federal employees an across the board pay hike and sticking the rest of us with the $11 billion bill,” said Rep. DeSantis.