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Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on NHTSA Announcement of Auto Rule Delay

“The announcement today by the Obama Administration that it is delaying implementation of new auto standards is a victory for transparency and for consumer choice and safety," said Issa.

Press Release
Oversight Committee Presses Energy Secretary on False Denials, Improper Use of Non-official Email Accounts in Solyndra Loan Program

“Recently-obtained documents show DOE officials frequently used Yahoo! and Gmail to communicate about the loan guarantee program,” Issa, Jordan, and Gowdy wrote to Chu.

Press Release
House Asks Federal Court to Rule Against Attorney General’s Stonewalling in Fast and Furious

“President Obama exceeded his authority by asserting executive privilege over subpoenaed documents related to the Justice Department’s cover-up of Operation Fast and Furious,” said Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa.

Press Release
New Report Sheds Light on Obama Administration Campaign to Strong-Arm Auto Makers in Mileage Negotiations

“In the wake of a massive taxpayer funded bailout of General Motors and Chrysler, the Obama Administration took aggressive action to force a rulemaking process that reflects ideology over science and politics over process and law," Issa said.

Press Release
Citing New Documents, Oversight Committee Queries President on Involvement in Controversial Energy Loan Program

“The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has obtained documents which raise questions about how your interactions with business leaders at political events affected decisions to give billions of taxpayer dollars in loan guarantees to green energy companies..."

Press Release
White House Pressed on Admission of Frequent Backdoor E-mails with ‘Longstanding Relationships’ (i.e. Lobbyists, Campaign Contributors, Former Employers, etc.)

“The American people have a right to know that White House staff and federal officials are conducting the business of the government transparently and in accordance with record-keeping statutes," said Issa.

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on Retirement of OIRA Administrator Sunstein

“While I’m disappointed that this Administration has not made more substantial efforts to cut red tape and create jobs, outgoing Administrator Cass Sunstein appeared to recognize the harm overly burdensome regulations inflict on economic growth and job creation..."

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on FHFA Decision Not to Implement Mortgage Principal Reduction

“Today’s decision by Acting Director DeMarco protects taxpayers from picking up even more costs to bailout Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s bad financial bets. Other policies, such as temporarily reducing payments have been shown to be much more effective and cost efficient than principal write-downs."

Press Release
Congressional Investigators Release First Part of Final Joint Report on Operation Fast and Furious

“ATF and the Arizona U.S. Attorney’s Office failed to consider and protect the safety of Americans, Mexicans, and fellow law enforcement personnel throughout Operation Fast and Furious...."

Press Release
House Passes “Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act”

“The Obama Administration has issued some 106 rules in its first three years that collectively will cost taxpayers more than $46 billion annually in compliance and lost productivity. This is four times the number of major regulations and five times the cost of rules issued in the prior administration’s first three years."