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Press Release
CBO Report Provides Little Comfort for Unemployed

WASHINGTON. D.C. – A report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states that the agency ‘estimates that…an additional 600,000 to 1.6 million people were employed’ as a result of the stimulus.  In other words, CBO is so uncertain about the value Americans are getting for their money that there is a 1-million job difference between its ‘low’ and ‘high’ estimates of job creation. “The CBO report provides very little comfort to the ...

Press Release
Has Printing Money Gone to their Heads? Issa Probes Outrageous Bureau of Engraving and Printing plan: $75 Gift Cards to Employees who Return Office Property

WASHINGTON D.C. – Managers at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, who operate under the url of, may have allowed the whole “money factory” thing to go to their heads.  According to a report by theWashington Post:  

Press Release
Media Advisory: Oversight and Judiciary Committee Republicans to Hold Joint ACORN Forum

Washington, D.C. – Republican Members of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform Committees will host a forum TOMORROW at 2:30 P.M. ET in 2237 Rayburn examining new details that have come to light regarding the inner-workings of ACORN. Witness List: David Caldwell—Deputy Director of the Criminal Division for the Louisiana Attorney General’s ...

Press Release
Issa-Boehner Letter Calls for Administration to Suspend Use of Inaccurate Jobs “Created or Saved” Numbers

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Ahead of next week’s “jobs summit” the White House is hosting, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a letter today to Vice President Joe Biden asking the Administration to “cease public use of the inaccurate jobs ‘created or saved’ metric.” “Following documented gross inaccuracies and confusion associated with counting of job claims, we ask ...

Press Release
Oversight Republicans Release New Video on Economy


Press Release
House-Senate Report on IG Firing: Did White House Lawyers and D.C. Public Schools Chief Act to Cover-up Sexual Misconduct with Students by Sacramento Mayor?

Fact or Fiction?  Witness Interviews and New Documents Reveal Details Behind Reckless Firing Including Integrity Committee Dismissing Complaint Against Walpin WASHINGTON D.C. – A joint report released today by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Senate Finance Committee Republican staff  offers new insight into the political maneuvering at the White House to remove the Inspector General for the Corporation for National and ...

Press Release
Rep. Kennedy Repeatedly Says ‘Bigotry’ Behind Democratic and GOP Support for Amendments to Protect Defense of Marriage Act, Prohibit Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Controversial Comments at OGR Mark-up Come as GOP Amendments Gain Bipartisan Support WASHINGTON, DC – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans won bipartisan support tonight for separate amendments to protect the Defense of Marriage Act and to use E-Verify to prevent Federal Employee Health Benefits from going to illegal aliens.  The amendments to H.R. 2517, the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act which would entitle domestic ...

Press Release
Recovery Board Chairman on Jobs Figures: “I am not able to make this certification…”

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Responding to a letter sent last week by House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) questioning the accuracy of information appearing on, Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Chairman Earl Devaney wrote that, “Your letter specifically asks if I am able to certify that ...

Press Release
WATCH: FOX News Reports on Obama Administration Censorship of EPA Employees on Cap-and-Trade

Click Here to View Video Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) on censorship of EPA ...

Press Release
Issa Calls for Asterisk Warning Visitors on Recovery.Gov

Administration Promised Accuracy in October but Disowns Numbers Today Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) Letter to Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board Earl Devaney:  “Are you able to certify personally that the number of jobs reported as “created/saved” on is accurate and auditable?  If you are unable to do so, will ...