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Misplaced Priorities: How the Social Security Administration Sacrificed Quality for Quantity in the Disability Determination Process

Key Findings: ·         All of the 48 ALJ focused reviews conducted by SSA and reviewed by Committee staff showed numerous deficiencies in ALJ decision-making and several disturbing patterns. ALJs conducted few or inadequate hearings, misused vocational experts, failed to properly assess work ability and relied too heavily on medical briefs prepared by claimants’ paid ...

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) Involvement in ‘Operation Choke Point’

Key findings: ·  The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the primary federal regulator of over 4,500 banks, targeted legal industries.  FDIC’s explicitly intended its list of “high-risk merchants” to influence banks’ business decisions.   FDIC policymakers debated ways to ensure that bank officials saw the list and “get the message.” · Documents ...

U.S. Census Bureau: Addressing Data Collection Vulnerabilities

Among the report’s findings: ‧         The Census Bureau’s lack of recordkeeping and deficient data collection system fostered an environment in which data falsification could occur. ‧         The suspected falsification procedures are inconsistent from region to region and from case to case. The system relies on paper-based forms, making it vulnerable to error and ...

Behind the Curtain of the Rollout

Key findings in the report: ·         Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officials contemplated a “covert ops mission” to circumvent incompetent CMS officials: “I grow weary of the bullshit passive/aggressiveness of [CMS official] Henry ...

ObamaCare’s Taxpayer Bailout of Health Insurers and the White House’s Involvement to Increase Bailout Size

Key Findings: -          An insurance company CEO appealed directly to Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, after the Administration signaled ...

Committee Report: Pseudo-Classification of Executive Branch Documents: Problems with the Transportation Security Administration’s Use of the Sensitive Security Information Designation

Specifically, the investigative report found: Problems with TSA’s application of the SSI designation date back to 2004, including inconsistent application of the designation. TSA improperly designated certain information as SSI in order to avoid its public release. TSA has repeatedly released information to the public against the advice of the SSI Office and without having produced suitable documentation to explain the decision. The ...

Making Sure Targeting Never Happens: Getting Politics Out of the IRS and Other Solutions

The report includes 15 proposals to address politicization of the IRS, including: ·         Replacing the IRS Commissioner with a multi-member, bipartisan commission ·         Removing the IRS as a regulator of political speech for social-welfare groups ·         Allowing taxpayers, and not the IRS, to control ...

Leadership Failure at Chemical Safety Board Jeopardizes Agency Mission, Puts Safety at Risk

Chairman Moure-Eraso and Horowitz created a toxic work environment that resulted in the departure of at least nine experienced employees from the CSB. Because experienced employees left CSB, investigations dragged on for years.

Pressure from the Left Led the IRS and DOJ to Restrict Freedom of Speech

The President’s political rhetoric in opposition to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and conservative nonprofits engaged in political speech led to the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of tax-exempt applicants.

Systemic Waste and Abuse at the Social Security Administration: How Rubber-Stamping Disability Judges Cost Hundreds of Billions of Taxpayer Dollars

Between 2005 and 2013, over 1.3 million people were placed on the program by ALJs with an annual allowance rate in excess of 75 percent. During that period, the overall allowance rate for ALJs was 65.8 percent, a seemingly high average allowance rate for cases that have already been denied.