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Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis: Causes, Consequences for the United States and Lessons Learned

2154 Rayburn House Office Building Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement The United States and Europe together account for 50 percent of world GDP and 40 percent of the world’s trade in goods and services. With these two economies inexorably linked, a downturn in one immediately and broadly impacts the other. A catastrophic failure in Europe would threaten our own economic situation at a time we can least afford it.   Today, the Committee on ...

FOIA in the 21st Century: Using Technology to Improve Transparency in Government

2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Press Release
House Passes Oversight and Government Reform Bill to Sell Excess Federal Property

WASHINGTON- On a unanimous bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives approved H.R. 665, the Excess Federal Building and Property Disposal Act, sponsored by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah. The legislation was reported from the Oversight and Government Reform Committee on November 17, 2011 on a bipartisan voice ...

Press Release
Cantor Solicits “Citizen CoSponsors” For The DATA Act

Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., today featured H.R. 2146, the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act), in the release of the new “Citizen CoSponsor Project.” The project is described as “a dynamic communications platform that creates a more open, visible and participatory legislative process. Built on Facebook, Citizen CoSponsor will enable you to follow legislation that you’re interested in. You will then receive first-hand information and updates on the status of ...

Press Release
Pattern of Poor Management, Unconstrained Lending Created Speculative High-Risk Portfolio at DOE, Oversight Report Says

Committee Also Highlights Shoddy Results of Weatherization Program (WASHINGTON)—Reports authored by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform show a pattern of mismanagement, high-risk lending to green energy firms, and shoddy work performed under Department of Energy (DOE) weatherization programs. One report released by the Committee and Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) documents that DOE disregarded its own taxpayer protections, ignored ...

The Department of Energy’s Disastrous Management of Loan Guarantee Programs

The Obama Department of Energy (DOE) has overseen a process wrought with misdirection, changing and expanding requirements, unexplained delays, gross mischaracterizations, and a never-ending cycle of excuses. Not only does it appear that DOE purposely directed taxpayer funds at a failing enterprise, DOE’s action robbed taxpayers of genuine investment toward renewable energy.

The Department of Energy’s Weatherization Program: Taxpayer Money Spent, Taxpayer Money Lost

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) $5 billion Weatherization Assistance Program is a stunning example of how the Obama Administration has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars in a misguided effort to achieve energy savings but ultimately commissioning work that put people’s lives and homes at significant risk. The Weatherization Program, as administered by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, has resulted in excessive waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars with very little benefit to show for it.

Oversight of the Department of Energy’s Stimulus Spending

Today the price of gasoline is approaching $4.00 per gallon, twice its level in 2009. American consumers understandably ask what the Department of Energy and the Obama Administration have done to address this. But during the Obama Administration, you might say the DOE has been DOA when it comes to delivering affordable energy to consumers.

Press Release
Advisory: FOIA in the 21st Century

FOIA in the 21st Century: Using Technology to Improve Transparency in Government Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform, Chairman James Lankford, R-Okla. Wednesday, March 21st This hearing will focus on the lack of progress of federal agencies to use ...

Press Release
Geithner & Bernanke Testify Wednesday on European Debt Crisis

Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis: Causes, Consequences for the United States and Lessons Learned Full Committee, Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. 9:30am on Wednesday, March 21st in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building and webcast at