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Jobs for Wounded Warriors: Increasing Access to Contracts for Service Disabled Veterans

Full Committee Business Meeting

Legislative Action H.R. 3813, the "Securing Annuities for Federal Employees Act of 2012" Rep. Ross' Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (ANS) was agreed to, as amended, by voice vote. Rep. Cummings' amendment to Rep. Ross' ANS was defeated by voice vote. Rep. Holmes Norton's amendment to Rep. Ross' ANS was defeated by voice ...

Solutions Needed: Improper Payments Total $115 Billion in Federal Misspending

Chairman Platts Hearing Opening Statement This hearing will address improper payments made by the federal government, and will continue this Subcommittee's examination of federal financial management issues. In FY 2011, the federal government reported $115 billion in improper payments. This is only an estimate; the total amount of improper payments is unknown. Improper payments occur for a variety of reasons, but they are all the result of poor financial ...

Workplace Freedom and Fairness: Are Workers Forced to Fund Political Causes They Oppose?

Freedom and choice are the cornerstones of what our system of government was built on. They also represent the core principles that helped create unionization in America. Over time, the role of unions has evolved from being a protector of workers against being forced to work long hours in difficult conditions to a being a powerful agent in the political process.

Press Release
Fast and Furious Holder Hearing Draws Thousands

17,000+ Visit as Holder Stonewall Continues WASHINGTON D.C. - Yesterday, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform pressed Attorney General Eric Holder to deliver accountability for Operation Fast and Furious and stop the Justice Department's year-long effort to stonewall Congress and the American people. More than 13,000 taxpayers watched the hearing via 

Press Release
Issa Lauds House Passage of H.R. 3835

WASHINGTON- On a bi-partisan vote of 309-117 the House of Representatives approved H.R. 3835, a bill to extend the pay freeze for Members of Congress and federal employees by one year. The bill was introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wisc. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service, and Labor Policy led debate on the House Floor. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., issued the ...

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on House Vote to Repeal CLASS Provisions

(WASHINGTON)—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement on the House vote to pass H.R. 1173, the CLASS Act Repeal.  The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program was established as part of President Obama’s healthcare act and would have created a voluntary national program to provide insurance coverage to purchase community living services for disabled Americans and those requiring long-term care.  The ...

Press Release
Fortress Holder: A Year of Justice Department Stonewalling, Visualized

Watch AG Holder Testify Tomorrow at WASHINGTON, DC – Tomorrow, Attorney General Eric Holder will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about the Justice Department's year-long effort to obstruct accountability for Operation Fast and Furious. Today, the committee released an infographic capturing the ...

Fast & Furious: Management Failures at the Department of Justice

  Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement Over the past year, the ATF program known as Operation Fast and Furious has been the subject of a joint investigation by this committee and Sen. Chuck Grassley, who serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. When this investigation began, the Department of Justice took the position that allegations by whistleblowers about reckless tactics and decision making in this operation were ...

Press Release
Ross Urges House to Approve Congressional & Federal Pay Freeze

WASHINGTON- Today, the House of Representatives will consider H.R. 3835, introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wisc., which would extend the pay limitation for Members of Congress and Federal employees for one more year. The legislation would save taxpayers $26.2 billion. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., chairman of the subcommittee charged with oversight of the federal workforce, cited a study issued Monday by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office ...