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Uncharted Territory: What are the Consequences of President Obama’s Unprecedented ‘Recess’ Appointments?

Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement If the United States Senate can pass a bill and send it to the President for his signature, it is clearly not in recess. But a "recess" is exactly what President Obama has argued in justifying four recent appointments. Today, the committee will assess the answer to that question and others by reviewing the process and law regarding recess appointments made by President Obama and their legal ...

New York Federal Reserve Bank/AIG Bailout Documents

Public Access to the New York Fed’s Document Production In the interests of providing transparency to the American people on how their tax money was spent to prop up failing financial companies and enforcing accountability on the federal agencies that engineered the bailout, Ranking Member Issa is providing the public with access to the documents produced to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Press Release
Issa Demands Access to Second US Attorney who Supervised Operation Fast and Furious

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa demanded in letter to Attorney General Holder that the Justice Department make Arizona U.S. Attorney's Office Assistant United States Attorney Michael Morrissey available to speak with Committee investigators about his role in and knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious. His supervisor, Patrick Cunningham, has stated he will exercise his Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer any questions pertaining to Operation ...

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa Statement on State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Vista, CA) released the following statement tonight regarding President Obama's State of the Union Address: "The President tonight outlined a laundry list of popular programs without regard to what they cost and his own record in office. "He has failed to deliver on economic growth promises, has squandered $800 billion in stimulus funds, and vetoed jobs and affordable domestic energy bills passed by Congress. What ...

Volt Vehicle Fire: What Did NHTSA Know and When Did They Know It?

Retirement Readiness: Strengthening the Federal Pension System

McPherson Square: Who Made the Decision to Allow Indefinite Camping in the Park?

How Will the CFPB Function Under Richard Cordray?

Subcommittee Chairman Patrick McHenry Opening Statement Today's hearing of the House Oversight Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services, and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs focuses on the functions and operations of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Richard Cordray. The American public deserves consumer protection regulations that discourage and discipline financial fraud and ensure consumers are entitled to clear, succinct, and ...

Press Release
DOJ Official Asserts Fifth Amendment Right in Refusing to Testify in Probe of Operation Fast and Furious

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Patrick Cunningham, the chief of the criminal division in the Arizona U.S. Attorney's office, has informed the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that he intends to exercise his fifth amendment right not to incriminate himself next Tuesday at his deposition. Cunningham's response, made through his lawyer, to a subpoena issued by the committee is extremely ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Steps up Investigation of DOE and EPA Over Treatment of Hydraulic Fracturing

Request to Energy Department asks for transcribed interviews with senior officials Letter to EPA spotlights internal communications suggesting bias against recovery technology and plans to regulate it (WASHINGTON)—The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has requested transcribed interviews with senior Department of Energy (DOE) officials regarding DOE efforts to examine the alleged risks and economic benefits of hydraulic ...