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Rightsizing the Federal Workforce

Unfunded Mandates, Regulatory Burdens and the Role of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Cybersecurity: Assessing the Immediate Threat to the United States

How Federal Reserve Policies Add to Hard Times at the Pump

Obama Administration Pursuing Policies that Raise Prices at the Pump, Subject of Oversight Hearing and Report

WASHINGTON — House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today led a hearing and highlighted a new report documenting Obama Administration policies that negatively impact domestic energy prices. Members heard testimony from EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and Deputy Interior Secretary David Hayes. "The United States has the largest reserves in the world—resources that can provide good paying American jobs and fuel our economic expansion. ...

Press Release
Obama Administration Pursuing Policies that Raise Prices at the Pump, Subject of Oversight Hearing and Report

WASHINGTON — House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today led a hearing and highlighted a new report documenting Obama Administration policies that negatively impact domestic energy prices. Members heard testimony from EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and Deputy Interior Secretary David Hayes. "The United States has the largest reserves in the world—resources that can provide good paying American jobs and fuel our economic expansion. But standing between ...

Press Release
Report: Impact of Statements by President, Energy Secretary about Raising Energy Costs on Americans Seen in Administration Policies

WASHINGTON — A report released today by Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa highlights evidence that the statements by President Obama and Energy Secretary Chu about intentionally raising energy costs for Americans can be seen across the federal government: from blocking production in the Gulf of Mexico, ...

Report: Impact of Statements by President, Energy Secretary about Raising Energy Costs on Americans Seen in Administration Policies

WASHINGTON — A report released today by Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa highlights evidence that the statements by President Obama and Energy Secretary Chu about intentionally raising energy costs for Americans can be seen across the federal government: from blocking production in the Gulf of Mexico, to ...

1:15 Start Time for TARP Hearing

Report: Impact of Statements by President, Energy Secretary about Raising Energy Costs on Americans Seen in Administration Policies

WASHINGTON — A report released today by Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa highlights evidence that the statements by President Obama and Energy Secretary Chu about intentionally raising energy costs for Americans can be seen across the ...