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Press Release
Oversight Subcommittee: Does the Administration’s “Mandate” on Project Labor Agreements Cost Construction Jobs and Taxpayers Money?

WASHINGTON, DC - Tomorrow, the House Committee on Government Reform will continue its examination of the regulatory burdens placed on private sector job creators. By Executive Order, President Obama created a preference for government contractors willing to enter into pre-hire, collective bargaining agreements known as “Project Labor Agreements” or PLAs. PLAs establish the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project with one or more labor organizations. The ...

Oversight Subcommittee: Does the Administration’s “Mandate” on Project Labor Agreements Cost Construction Jobs and Taxpayers Money?

WASHINGTON, DC - Tomorrow, the House Committee on Government Reform will continue its examination of the regulatory burdens placed on private sector job creators.   By Executive Order, President Obama created a preference for government contractors willing to enter into pre-hire, collective bargaining agreements known as “Project Labor Agreements” or PLAs. PLAs establish the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project with one or more labor organizations. The ...

State and Municipal Debt: The Coming Crisis? Part II

Obamacare: Why the need for waivers?

Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy Opening Statement The purpose of the oversight committee is not necessarily to balance the relative merits or demerits of a law or proposed legislation. Other committees do that. Oversight is calculated to ensure trust and confidence in the institutions of government – to investigate areas that demand transparency and accountability. Our duty is to ask fair questions with an expectation of an honest and complete answer on ...

3-17-11 "The Freedom of Information Act: Crowd-Sourcing Government Oversight"

Hearing Documents Hearing Video   Part I |

03-16-2011 "Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation: The Cost of Doing Business in the Construction Industry"

  Hearing Documents Hearing Video    

3-15-11 "Obamacare: Why the need for waivers?"

Hearing Documents Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy Opening Statement   The purpose of the oversight committee is not necessarily to balance the relative merits or demerits of a law or proposed legislation. Other committees do that. Oversight is calculated to ensure trust and confidence in the institutions of government – to investigate areas that ...

Press Release
Supporting D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program would Demonstrate President’s Commitment to Education Reform

WASHINGTON D.C. – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today released the following statement about President Barack Obama’s call for Congress to Reform No Child Left Behind: “The American people need to know if President Obama is prepared to stand against union pressure when they oppose innovative education programs and reforms that help our students. President Obama has the opportunity to do this by announcing his support for the bipartisan effort to restore ...

Supporting D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program would Demonstrate President’s Commitment to Education Reform

WASHINGTON D.C. – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today released the following statement about President Barack Obama’s call for Congress to Reform No Child Left Behind:   “The American people need to know if President Obama is prepared to stand against union pressure when they oppose innovative education programs and reforms that help our students. President Obama has the opportunity to do this by announcing his support for the bipartisan effort to ...

Transparency Through Technology: Evaluating Federal Open-Government Initiatives