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Continuing to Deliver: An Examination of the Postal Service’s Current Financial Crisis and Is Future Viability”

Foreclosure Prevention: Is the Home Affordable Modification Program Preserving Homeownership?

Rewarding Bad Actors: Why Do Poor Performing Contractors Continue to Get Government Business?

Tracking the Money: Assessing the Recovery Act’s Impact on the State of California

Prostate Cancer: New Questions About Screening and Treatment

Toyota Gas Pedals: Is the Public at Risk?

Click here for video & documents from the February 23, 2010 House Committee on Energy & Commerce hearing on Toyota.

Committee on Energy and Commerce Toyota Hearing

The Federal Bailout of AIG

New York Federal Reserve Bank/AIG Bailout Documents Video Reactions Rep. Bilbray Rep. Burton Rep. Duncan

Press Release
Confusion and Distortion on Towns’ Terror Hearing Announcement Raise Concerns

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Responding to House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Edolphus Towns’ (D-NY) latest revelation that he has always supported conducting hearings into the Christmas-day terrorist attempt, Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) issued the following statement: “Chairman Towns’ accusation that Committee Republicans are grandstanding and politicizing the security of the American people, while simultaneously latching-on to some ...

Press Release
BREAKING: Towns Joins Issa Investigation into AIG Counter-Party Deal

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) welcomed Committee Chairman Edolphus Towns’ (D-NY) interest in new questions raised by Issa’s investigation surrounding Tim Geithner and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s decision to pay billions of dollars to AIG counterparties. “The week of January 18th, the Oversight Committee will hold a hearing in which Secretary Geithner and NYFRB General Counsel Thomas ...