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Vice President Biden departs Ukraine and gets a commitment from President Poroshenko that Prosecutor General Shokin will be fired.

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[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]   Vice President Biden arrives in Ukraine, where he demands Prosecutor General Shokin be fired if Ukraine wants $1 billion in International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans.

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Vadym Pozharskyi emails Hunter Biden confirmation that the Vice President will be traveling to Ukraine.

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[embed][/embed] Vice President Biden announces trip to Ukraine to take place the first week of December 2015.

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Amos Hochstein calls Hunter Biden.

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Amos Hochstein meets with Vice President Biden in the West Wing.

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Amos Hochstein, a high level U.S. government offical working in the Obama-Biden Administration, meets with Hunter Biden and discusses Burisma.

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Vadym Pozharskyi suggests high level U.S. level officials come to Ukraine and talk with Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin and President Petro Poroshenko about Mykola Zlochevsky's investigations. Prosecutor General Shokin was investigating Burisma and Burisma's owner, Zlochevsky for fraud. Prosecutor General Shokin is the Ukranian government official Vice President Biden demanded Poroshenko fire.

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Burisma announces Hunter Biden joined its board of directors.

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Vice President Biden travels to Ukraine and gives an anti-corruption speech.