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The Effects of Rising Energy Costs on American Families and Employers

Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care, and Entitlements, Chairman James Lankford (R-OK)

Exploring GAO’s High Risk List and Opportunities for Reform

Full Committee Hearing, Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA)

U.S. Direct Assistance in Afghanistan: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability

Subcommittee on National Security, Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)

Government Spending: How Can We Best Address the Billions of Dollars Wasted Every Year?

Chairman’s Preview Statement OGR Full Committee Hearing: "Government Spending: How Can We Best Address the Billions of Dollars Wasted Every Year?"

Wasting Information Technology Dollars: How Can the Federal Government Reform its IT Investment Strategy?

Full Committee Hearing, Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA)

HGH Testing in the NFL: Is the Science Ready?

This Committee’s resources and time are normally focused on waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal bureaucracy.  There is certainly no lack of challenges facing this country that the Federal government must address. So why has this hearing on the science behind HGH testing been called?  The fact of the matter is that the lack of a testing regime in the NFL for Human Growth Hormone – or HGH – is a public health concern.  It affects not just the health and safety of NFL players, but ...

Identity Theft and Tax Fraud: Growing Problems for the Internal Revenue Service, Part 4

10:00 A.M. in 2247 Rayburn House Office Building The purpose of today’s hearing is to address the serious and rapidly growing problem of identity theft related tax fraud.  This is the fourth hearing the Subcommittee has had this Congress on this important issue, and it will continue our examination of how fraud is occurring and what can be done to stop it.  We will review the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) actions to prevent and detect identity theft tax fraud, and evaluate ...

1 in 88 Children: A Look Into the Federal Response to Rising Rates of Autism

2:00 P.M. in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement OGR Full Committee Hearing:  “1 in 88 Children:  A Look into the Federal Response to the Rising Rates of Autism” November 29, 2012 Congress spends a lot of time discussing and debating issues that are determined by our own philosophical belief on what the role of government should be. Today we are drawing attention ...

Trade Adjustment Assistance for U.S. Firms: Evaluating Program Effectiveness and Recommendations

The Security Failures of Benghazi

12:00pm in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building On September 11, 2012, four Americans serving their country were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi, Libya. We join all of these brave men’s family and colleagues in mourning their death and honoring their contributions to this country. Yesterday, the State Department began the process of coming clean about what occurred in Benghazi.  They made two witnesses available for interviews with this committee and, for the first time, publicly ...