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Press Release
Issa Statement on Lerner Exit

“Lois Lerner’s exit from the IRS does not alter the Oversight Committee’s interest in understanding why applicants for tax exempt status were targeted and inappropriately treated because of their political beliefs. We still don’t know why Lois Lerner, as a senior IRS official, had such a personal interest in directing scrutiny and why she denied improper conduct to Congress. Her departure does not answer these questions or diminish the Committee’s interest in hearing her testimony.”

Press Release
Oversight Report on Obamacare Enrollment Programs Reveals Risk of Fraud, Misinformation

Top HHS Officials Admit Navigator and Assister Programs are Targets for Identity Theft WASHINGTON – The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today released a new staff report on Obamacare’s Navigator and Assister programs, which includes admissions from top Health and Human Services officials that the program lacks basic safeguards against fraud and abuse. The Navigator program was created by Obamacare as an ...

Press Release
New Report Explains Deficiencies in ARB Benghazi Investigation, Lack of Accountability

New Report: ARB placed blame on mid-level officials

Press Release
Issa Questions SEC On Delay in Data Use

“The Interactive Data Rule is part of a government-wide move toward structured data formats for a wide variety of federal reports and other materials,” Issa writes in a letter sent yesterday to SEC Chairman Mary Jo White. “ The rule was issued with the understanding that interactive data can reduce costs for filing and analysis, improve the data quality of disclosures, and provide greater transparency and access to financial information.”

Press Release
On Anniversary of Benghazi Attacks, Issa Honors Heroes and Announces Hearing for Next Week

“One year ago, four Americans were killed in a vicious and planned attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi. Today, we remember Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, who served their country honorably and died protecting it. We also remember their families and colleagues, who will always keenly feel their loss,” Chairman Issa stated.

Press Release
Issa Presses State Department on Refusal to Make Benghazi Eyewitnesses Available for Interviews

Chairman Issa demands that the State Department comply with requests to interview survivors of the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi.

Press Release
Issa Presses Reluctant State Department on Withholding of ARB Documents

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) yesterday sent a letter to the State Department on their refusal to turn over Accountability Review Board (ARB) documents to the Oversight Committee. In the letter, Issa states that the Department’s refusal to provide documents covered by the Committee’s subpoena is unjustified and the latest example of resistance to congressional oversight of the events surrounding the Benghazi attacks.  The ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Hearing: “Preventing Violations of Federal Transparency Law”

Current and former officials to testify about use of non-official accounts for official business WASHINGTON - House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today announced a hearing, “Preventing Violations of Federal Transparency Laws,” on Tuesday, September 10 that will examine ongoing compliance problems with the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act.  Current and former senior Administration officials who ...

Press Release
Oversight Subcommittee to Examine Treasury’s Role in Delphi Deal from 2009 “Detroit Bailout”

WASHINGTON - House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations Chairman John Mica, R-Fla., today announced a hearing next Wednesday to examine a new inspector general report on the Treasury Department’s role in a controversial component of the Obama Administration’s “Detroit bailout.” In a 2009 deal between government-controlled General Motors and one of its major suppliers, Delphi, GM slashed the pensions of non-unionized employees, while preserving full ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Syria

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) today released the following statement on the President’s Saturday announcement to delay military strikes on Syria in order to outline his strategy for Congress: "To earn my vote of support for limited military intervention, President Obama must present a clear plan focused on effective humanitarian intervention or our national security interests. "Tens of thousands have been killed by the Assad ...