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Cuccinelli on Cost of Obama EPA's Utility MACT Job-Crushing Regulation


Lights Out II: Another Look at EPA’s Utility MACT Rule

Chairman Issa Preview Hearing Statement Affordable and reliable energy has fueled our economic growth for a century. Businesses, consumers, inventors, and entrepreneurs have all relied on cheap energy in order to create new products and services, which they in turn use to creates jobs and grow the economy. But today, government regulators are poised to enact a new set of rules that could dramatically increase the cost that consumers and job creators pay for ...

Investigative Report on Allegations of Improper Payments and Promises of Employment for Sulaimon Brown

Sulaimon Brown, an auditor, was the first declared candidate to challenge District of Columbia Mayor Adrian M. Fenty in the 2010 Democratic primary. Brown raised minimal sums, campaigned by mostly attacking Fenty, and ultimately urged voters to cast ballots for then-Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray. Brown came in dead-last in the primary, even behind the write-in candidates. Less than a month after Mayor Gray took office in January 2011, Brown was hired as an Excepted Service special assistant ...

Press Release
Issa Introduces Legislation Requiring D.C. Employee Background Checks

WASHINGTON- Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which has jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, introduced legislation to require criminal background checks for certain high-ranking District government employees and establish the same standards the federal government uses when it hires for all prospective District government employees. "This bill will help prevent past failures by ensuring that District of Columbia leaders are held ...

Press Release
Issa Releases Findings of Investigation into Sulaimon Brown’s Allegations Against Administration of D.C. Mayor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today released the findings of the committee's seven month investigation into accusations of improper payments and promises of employment made to former D.C. mayoral candidate Sulaimon Brown by the Administration of D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray. "The committee's investigation found evidence corroborating claims by Sulaimon Brown that his campaign for mayor received financial backing linked to a senior ...

Crowdfunding: #WeCantWait to Pass the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act – HR 2930


Press Release
New Report: President Obama’s Health Care Plan Discriminates Against Families with New Marriage Penalty and Moves 8 Million Taxpayers Off Rolls

85 percent of tax filers who claim Obama plan subsidy will end the year with zero or negative income tax liability (WASHINGTON) – President Obama’s health care plan creates a new marriage penalty that discriminates against families and many workers with employer-sponsored insurance.  The law will also remove as many as 8.1 million filers off the tax rolls.  After receiving the President’s new refundable tax credit, some 11.3 million people will have negative ...

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Questions Energy Department About $700 Million Loan Offer to Severstal

Steel company owned by Russian oligarch worth $18.5 billion, producing steel already in excess supply  (WASHINGTON)—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) has asked Energy Secretary Steven Chu to provide answers about the decision-making processes regarding a department-approved $730 million loan to Severstal North America for its Dearborn, Mich., facility. The firm is a subsidiary of the Russian steel ...

Uncovering the True Impact of the Obamacare Tax Credits: Increases the Deficit, Expands Welfare through the Tax Code, and Implements a New Marriage Tax Penalty

President Obama’s health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), creates refundable tax credits to assist certain individuals in purchasing health insurance. Individuals in households below 400 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) qualify for a tax credit unless they are eligible for Medicare or Medicaid or someone in the household has an offer of “affordable” coverage at work. The PPACA also expands Medicaid by requiring that states enroll all applicants ...

Examining Obamacare’s Hidden Marriage Penalty and Its Impact on the Deficit