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The Overview
Chairman Gowdy Q&A – Criminal Justice Reform and Efforts to Reduce Recidivism

The Overview
Member Minute – 12/13/16

Take a minute to see what you may have missed over the past few weeks from members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The Overview
Meet Alabama Football Alum – Congressman Gary Palmer

Here's what you need to know:  He was the first person on either side of his family to go to college. 

The Overview
Meet National Security Subcommittee Chairman Ron DeSantis

Meet National Security Subcommittee Chairman Ron DeSantis Not familiar with Florida's 6 District Congressman? Don't worry, we got you. Here's what you need to know: *Warning - If you feel like ...

The Overview
Member Minute – 10/11/16

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Congressman Trey Gowdy ...

The Overview
Meet Rep. Steve Russell: From Combat Warrior to Member of Congress

Take a couple minutes to get to know a veteran, father, small business owner, and public servant from Oklahoma. As a member of the Oversight Committee, he investigates important issues facing Americans… I'm calling for

The Overview
ICYMI: Chairman Chaffetz Discusses Committee Investigations on MSNBC and Fox News

“A lot of this that they claim is classified is just flat-out embarrassing. There’s nothing classified about it, it’s just embarrassing.” “I think the truth of the matter is she did it to create a pathway that her documents would not become public record.”

The Overview
Meet Congressman Jody Hice

A Pastor Walks Into Congress:   Meet Georgia Congressman Jody Hice For starters, watch this video. What do you get ...

The Overview
#TBT: A Sampling of the Committee’s Most-Watched Videos

Chairman Chaffetz presses the EPA on its delayed response to the Flint water crisis: Congressman Gowdy grills DHS official on due process: