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Hunter Biden meets with the U.S. Ambassador to Romania.

Timeline Stories

Rob Walker's account wires Hunter Biden $59,900.   Details can be found in the Second Bank Records Memorandum.

Timeline Stories

Romanian businessman, Gabriel Popoviciu, begins making deposits into Robinson Walker, LLC’s bank account. Robinson Walker, LLC is an entity owned by a Biden associate, Rob Walker. Popoviciu's company sent Robinson Walker the first wire for $179,836.86. From November 2015 to May 2017, Popoviciu's company paid Robinson Walker, LLC over $3 million.  Biden family accounts received approximately $1.038 million from the Robinson Walker, LLC account after Popoviciu's deposits. Sixteen of the ...

Timeline Stories

Vice President Biden welcomes Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House. A readout of the meeting states, the “Vice President welcomed President Iohannis’ focus on anti-corruption efforts and rule of law as a means to strengthen national security and promote greater investment and economic growth.”  President Iohannis said the Vice President “voiced satisfaction over Romania’s progress with the fight against corruption.”

Timeline Stories

Vice President Biden visits Romania and delivers a speech to the Romanian Prime Minister, judges, prosecutors, and leaders of the Romanian Parliament.

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The U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issues a notice accusing Rakishev's Latvian company of money laundering.

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Kenes Rakishev's Kazakhstani oil company and Burisma join with a CCP-linked company and announce a transnational financial arrangement.

Timeline Stories

The Rosemont entity wires $142,300 to a car dealership in New Jersey for a new sports car for Hunter Biden. The details can be found in the 

Timeline Stories

Kenes Rakishev’s Singaporean company wires $142,300 through his Latvian company to a Rosemont entity. The details can be found in the 

Timeline Stories

Hunter Biden met Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev at the Hay Adams Hotel in Washington, D.C. In email correspondences with Devon Archer surrounding the meeting, Rakishev requested Secretary of State John Kerry visit Kazakhstan. Archer replied, “if we have some business started as planned I will ensure its planned soonest.” Rakishev is a Kazakhstani oligarch and millionaire and was a director at Kazakhstan’s state-owned oil company KazMunayGas. Rakishev maintained close ties to Karim ...